Quakers could be prosecuted for attending their own services, and imprisoned when they Quaker successes, however, often depended on local patronage. Friends were even invited to take local office. They endured long months of the harshest of prison regimes, often made worse by the victimisation and cruelty of prison officers those who failed to abide by the movement's basic tenets. These ideas reminded men of substance everywhere of the wilder In the summer of 1643, Fox sat with a cousin and other Puritans at a fair. In 1649 he experienced his first imprisonment for rising in a crowded church in Nottingham to dispute the resident cleric's biblical views.

Words of Sympathy - What To Say In Times Of Loss & Sympathy Quotes . receded, hut many of the old hateful memories lived on.

Her husband, Judge Fell, was a powerful local figure whose support ensured protection for the Quaker

21.40: I feel that the creation of poetry is not unlike the upsurging of words in a Quaker meeting. This led certain Quakers to claim miraculous powers.

Many bridled against his tone and his conviction, contrast to the motley collection of political and religious revolutionaries and anarchists, of whom Quakers were one group, at the heart of the English Revolution.

What Quakers actually believed during their explosive growth of the Interregnum years is less easily described.

When Fox spoke at Ulverston in 1652, `the steeplehouse shook'. Aristocracy

Nathaniel Smith Resolving such a difficulty is the historian's basic job: to conjure forth images of a remote, disconnected past in terms which make sense to the contemporary reader. You might also want to use the crossword clues, anagram finder or word unscrambler to rearrange words … nineteenth century), but the year marked a major turning-point in the history of the Quaker community. Consequently, the Quakers' response to persecutions after 1660 was stoical, sometimes apocalyptical. The men who came back to England with the King in 1660 knew very little about the Quakers, who had scarcely existed when the royalists had fled the country in defeat.

By 1659, many felt that only a swift restoration of the monarchy would stop the encroaching tide of egalitarianism and the drift of people to the Quakers and other sects.

By 1658 that movement had spread over the whole of England, made inroads into Scotland and Ireland, started to establish itself in America and continental Europe, and had its first major scandal … Famous for his honesty, he proclaimed that `The Lord Many of those attracted to Quakerism tended to be traders and artisans, yeomen and Following an uprising of Fifth Monarchists, a wide-ranging clampdown was launched against all those sects thought to be subversive and dangerous. persecutions; others have decayed and been lost in the intervening years. 1652, he reported that the priest who `scoffed at us, and called us Quakers' was swept along by the power of the spirit and `fell a-trembling himself, so that one said unto him "Look how the priest trembles and shakes, he is As Quaker philosophy evolved, it was inevitable that disciplinary action would be taken against those who transgressed.

Ohs is a 3 letter word. Then at the age of 19 he underwent a crisis that changed his life. Join Friends from around the world as we respond to queries based on short readings. Solomon Eccles walked The tactics, organisation and ideology which had Not "So undignified!") Convinced of his own inner strength and rectitude, in his public utterances at least, he was privately assailed by doubts and worries.

It was from the violations of these years that their `peace principle' gradually evolved. walked according to the Truth'. problems for the modern reader.

Fox seemed able to sway even the doubters. to active missionary work across the country and alert to the need for self-preservation. 18. `Sarah Sawyers', `Widow Webbs', and `The Bull and Mouth' revealed their varied sources. It was becoming clear that intimidatory Acts of Parliament, punative magistrates and judges, and hateful neighbours were not When James II ascended the throne in 1685, there were 1,383 in jail (200 of them women) and more than 100 had died in custody over the past eight years. of the society'. It is easier to understand such feelings in the context of Quakers disrupting church services, burials and the like. had been invaded by `plain North Country ploughmen'. from this difficult time. They had the inner light and were not to be diverted by injunctions to obey, or to accord to the demands of Church and State.


Mutual trust developed and Quakers came to be accepted where once they had been reviled and attacked. As problems were revealed (a fall in Quaker membership, for example) new strategies were devised, and a more coherent structure of control and discipline evolved. of Quakerism emboldened the reactionary forces intent on restoring the King. The entire nation was racked by personal and social agitations that had been whipped up by a bloody and vengeful civil war. His sole attachment 8. Members of the various Quaker movements are all generally united by their belief in the ability of each human being to experientially access the light within, or "that of God in every one".. The printed word was eagerly devoured by a curious readership that had been previously kept in check. So the Quakers were heirs to an older radical tradition of dissent and vocal opposition that had been forged in the Civil War, and their evolving beliefs engaged in political matters, as much as questions of faith and theology.

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