The meetings are held in the Council board room, on the first floor of the Council office, 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton.Special meetings of the Council are called as required.All of Greater Shepparton City Council public Ordinary and Special Council Meetings are streamed live and made available to the public via Council’s official Facebook page.Live streaming allows you to watch and listen to the meeting in real time, giving you greater access to Council decision making and debate and encouraging openness and transparency.Every care is taken to maintain privacy and attendees are advised they may be recorded.There may be situations where, due to technical difficulties a live stream may not be available. Special meetings of the Council are called as required.
Item 7.2 - Whole of Sport Plan for Cricket . Read more. Item 7.3 - Whole of Sport Plan for Tennis .

2020 Council Meeting schedule (None in January) 18 February 2020 — 5.30pm Greater Shepparton City Council will hold an Additional Council Meeting at 1pm on Friday 4 September 2020 to discuss the following items of business: Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer Instrument of Delegation to Members of Council Staff Development Hearings … Greater Shepparton City Council was live. Special Council Meeting - 2 June 2020. PDF, 15.7 MB. The meeting will now be held on Tuesday 31 March 2020 at 5.30pm in the Function Room, Riverlinks Eastbank, 70 Welsford St. Council

Sign Up. Greater Shepparton City PDF, 9.1 MB. This page contains links to download agendas and confirmed minutes for 2020 Council meetings and special committee meetings.The agenda for the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 31 March will be published on Council’s website on the Friday prior to the meeting. Ordinary Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. PDF, 770 KB. Public Notices include notifications about development consents and certificates, proposed developments, changes to Council meetings, release and/or sale of abandoned vehicles, intention to grant licence, and public exhibitions and consultations. PDF, 312 KB. Greater Shepparton City Council will hold an Additional Council Meeting at 1pm on Friday 4 September 2020 to discuss the following items of business: Facebook. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the live streaming and website are up and running smoothly, the Greater Shepparton City Council takes no responsibility for and cannot be held liable for, the live streaming or Council website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond its control.Technical issues may include, but are not limited to the availability of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of social media platforms or power outages.For more information see Council's Live Streaming and Recording of Council Meetings Policy (below). Agenda - Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 February 2018 . PDF, 7.4 MB. Sections of this page. 2020 Council Meeting schedule; View previous live streams; Live streaming of Council Meetings; The meetings are held in the Council board room, on the first floor of the Council office, 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton. Press alt + / to open this menu. Council Council meetings are the formal decision making process of a Council and these documents are a valuable way to share information with the public and demonstrate openness, accountability and transparency within the Council. 20 February 2018 - Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 February 2018. PDF, 5.9 MB. Accessibility Help. PDF, 15.2 MB. Item 10.3 Appointment of Greater Shepparton City Council as Chair of Region 2 of the Murray Darling Association . Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account?

Please be advised the March Ordinary Council Meeting, due to be held 17 March 2020 at 5.30pm, is postponed due to lack of quorum. The Greater Shepparton Best Start Early Years Plan 2020-2025 is a new six-year plan with the aim of …

All care is taken to maintain your privacy should you choose to participate in the process of a Council meeting however in the event that you do, it is assumed that …

Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 21 May 2019.

Ordinary and Special Council Meetings. Item 15.1 Councillor Community Interaction and Briefing Program . For agenda and... Jump to. Best Start Early Years Plan. Greater Shepparton City

PDF, 117.7 MB. #GreaterSheppLIVE: Special Council Meeting for the hearing of Section 223 submissions in regards to the Draft Budget 20/21 on 2 June 2020. Item 10.4 - Proposed Naming of Corner of Shepparton BMX Facility .

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