She has very passionate dialogue and calls you out on being abusive and an asshole. Once arrived on Korriban, Vette pokes a lot of fun at Darth Baras, though whenever face to face with him she is visibly intimidated. Years of travel and close calls have made Vette quick with a blaster. He even states himself that Jaesa would have noticed him if only she paid attention (like she wouldnt) and there were so many ways in which you could have killed him or Vette and still not been a companion shy.It was just ludicrous. If you leave Vette in her shock collar as a SW, and never free her, when she reappears in KotFE, does she still have it? STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Classes Vette Shock Collar and Negative Affection questions Reply. Is it just because people don't care because it's a video game?01.29.2012 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts o-OThe kind of monster that's true to the Empire rules and way of life. Really threw me for a loop because my free 60 had done only LS choices... Edit: spellingIirc, the Imperial instant 60s supposedly picked every single DS choice in the story leading up to that point.Imo, they should've at least asumed you took the collar off and completed her companion story.Thanks for answering my question! She also likes it when you act insolent with A dark side Sith can romance her, so long as her collar has been removed and he supplements his dark side actions with gifts. A slave is a slave though, and I assume there is some difference between them and non-slaves in expectations and rights within the Empire.I think I only shocked her once and was going to remove the collar; until she mouthed off again on the heels of asking it to be removed (I guess because my character didn't immediately capitulate).
Few people have seen as much of the galaxy as Vette and few have had as little control of their destiny. To go to this page, click the link below.The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites.This page is not meant to keep you from following the link you've clicked on. , 09:30 AM
you could just RP that she is using it as a way to trick any other Siths (make them think you are a "evil" Sith), or that she really likes it (she does...)Must be a recent glitch, I have two warriors with shock collarless Vette's.
My SW is an alt.alt for me. A shock collar was a device placed around the neck of a captive individual or creature in order to shock them into submission.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. The shock collar disappears if you give her a different companion customization appearance, it only stays with her default appearance. I recently made a Sith Warrior alt, leveled him to the imperial fleet, Had the first Companion-quest convo with Vette, and took her collar off. Vette travels with the Warrior to the main Imperial fleet to take a shuttle to the capital, Kass. Then might I suggest you clear through the Balmorra story line as quickly as possible. Your companion that is choosing to work with you and help better your quest, your life, and everything, you'd leave the collar on? Is this a bug with my game, or did the devs really not think of removing the shock collar from her character model if she does so in the storyline?The only way to get rid of it is to use a different customization for her.she shouldn't have it, true.
I play my warrior as an unapologetic Sith supremacist. As a Sith Warrior, there comes a point in the storyline when you can remove Vette's shock collar. | | 01.30.2012
If you leave Vette in her shock collar as a SW, and never free her, when she reappears in KotFE, does she still have it? #SWTOR #SithWarrior #StarWars #Compilation Put this together for those of you who want to know how the slave vette storyline plays out, funny enough you can still romance her after all of this. Is it just because people don't care because it's a video game? Vette is a ranged damage-dealer, making her an ideal companion for a Like all companions, Vette's affection will change based on specific dialogue choices the player makes in her presence. Interestingly, my sith wasn't an absolute sadist and frequently took light side options if it made sense. Years later Nok Drayen mysteriously and suddenly released all of his people from service. It is here the Warrior first has the option to keep Vette's collar on her or to remove it as Vette wishes. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Your companion that is choosing to work with you and help better your quest, your life, and everything, you'd leave the collar on? These changes will be positive or negative based on her likes and dislikes. I'm a good guy in every aspect when it comes to RPG choices so I can't really judge, but what drives people to always choose the bad choice and not "feel bad" about the repercussions or on how people in the game think?
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