We are taking the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and have taken steps to protect the health, safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and communities This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit. The length you choose will depend on factors related to your height, location of pump, daily activities and other preferences. Within the last year I have become a convert to metal infusion sets and with Tandem that is TruSteel. Diabetes is all we do. Control-IQ technology does not prevent all high and low blood glucose events. #ResourceNotFound: MegaMenuResources, ToggleNavigation# An infusion set consists of a complete tubing system that delivers insulin from your Tandem Diabetes Care® insulin pump. Learn how to insert our infusion sets, get tips for improving infusion set adhesion, or learn how to load new cartridges on your Tandem pump. Here is a list of commonly used infusion sets and the equivalent Tandem brand names. Dedicated to making the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. Please refer to those instructions for all warnings and precautions.Dedicated to making the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. By using this website you consent to our use of these cookies. View all Products. Your healthcare provider or insulin pump trainer will work with you to show you how to insert your infusion set and discuss how to change it out every 2-3 days.The location on your body where you insert a very tiny, soft tube (cannula) or steel needle and secure it with an adhesive patch.Insulin flows through thin, flexible tubing (variety of lengths available).The t:lock™ connector  connects and locks the tubing to your pump. Kontaktieren Sie einen Zulieferer oder direkt das Stammhaus und erhalten Sie einen Preis oder ein Angebot und entdecken Sie die Verkaufsstellen in Ihrer Nähe.

Tandem Diabetes are ist eine Marke von Tandem Diabetes are, Inc., eingetragen in den USA und anderen Ländern. Always pay attention to your symptoms, actively monitor your glucose levels, and treat according to your healthcare provider’s recommendations. The Basal-IQ feature relies on continuous CGM readings and will not be able to predict glucose levels and suspend insulin delivery if your CGM is not working properly or is unable to communicate with your pump.

1. * Dexcom CGM sold separately. Tandem infusion sets are made by Unomedical, the same company that manufactures infusion sets sold by other insulin pump companies. The beauty of the t:slim X2™ insulin pump is that it is up to 38% smaller than other pumps,The t:slim X2 pump can be used as a stand-alone insulin pump, or you can integrate it with the Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system. or tablet) at the same time. Here is a list of commonly used infusion sets and the equivalent Tandem brand names. At Tandem Diabetes Care, our whole reason for being is to make the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation. Find out more about how we use cookies and how to manage them paired with one medical device (either a Dexcom receiver or t:slim X2 insulin pump) and one consumer device (phone Check out our video playlist. Be sure to always use your pump, cartridges, CGM, and infusion sets as instructed and check them regularly to make sure they are working properly. Your healthcare provider or pump trainer will help you determine which set is right for you.Finding the right infusion set is an important part of successful insulin pump therapy which is why Tandem offers so many choices.Tandem infusion sets are made by Unomedical, the same company that manufactures infusion sets sold by other insulin pump companies. #ResourceNotFound: MegaMenuResources, ToggleNavigation#We offer a variety of choices to meet the unique needs of our pump users.

t:slim X2 Insulin Pump; Basal-IQ Technology; Control-IQ Technology; Software and Apps; Infusion Sets; Pump Accessories; Support; About. You can also upload your t:slim X2 insulin pump data wirelessly through the t:connect® mobile app to eliminate the need to plug in your pump at the doctor’s office.Search for the t:simulator™ application wherever you download apps, or click the badges below to visit the download page for your device.Even with advanced systems such as the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology, you are still responsible for actively managing your diabetes. What infusion sets does Tandem Diabetes Care offer? Tandem offers a variety of products designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to meet a broad variety of individual needs and lifestyles. Tandem offers a variety of products designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to meet a broad variety of individual needs and lifestyles. Tandem offers a variety of products designed to be easy to use and flexible enough to meet a broad variety of individual needs and lifestyles. * When used with CGM, you can choose one of two predictive technologies, which help deliver insulin, making it simpler to manage diabetes.Control-IQ™ advanced hybrid closed-loop technology adjusts insulin delivery to help prevent highs and lows, while still allowing the user to manually bolus for meals.Basal-IQ® technology predicts and helps reduce the frequency and duration of low-glucose events. Infusion set tubing is available in a variety of lengths, typically 23, 32, and 43 inches. Data on file, Tandem Diabetes Care.RX ONLY.

Entdecken Sie alle Informationen zu Touchscreen-Insulinpumpe t:slim X2™ von der Firma Tandem Diabetes Care. If you don’t use TruSteel or VariSoft infusion sets, you might want to quit reading now. Introduction to infusion sets Promoted articles. 38% smaller than MiniMed 630G and 670G and at least 28% smaller than MiniMed 530G, Animas Vibe and Omnipod System. Find out more about how we use cookies and how to manage them Pain with TruSteel Sets.

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