Sera then tricks the hostage taker and keeps the line connected so Conan can listen in by closing Ran's Sera asks a few insightful questions about the case; however the hostage taker man discovers Ran's phone is still connected. Sera may recognize Haibara from pictures of Conan and Haibara that Akai took back during the Vermouth arc. Ella és un detectiu autoproclamada d’escola secundària i practicant de l'art marcial Jeet Kune Do. shipping: + $22.00 shipping . Sera thinks that he is just investigating a case. Free shipping . Masumi Sera, a minor character from Detective Conan; Masumi Ageo, the character of Crayon Shin-Chan; See also. She reveals that she and her brothers each have different family names for various reasons, one of which is the death of her father. Er beginnt daraufhin mit der Formulierung seiner Frage, führt diese jedoch nicht zu Ende, da plötzlich eine Leiche in der Kochsendung erscheint.Ran will sofort auf die Bühne eilen, doch kann Masumi sie davon abhalten. It is heavily implied that it is the same person Conan saw Sera making a call with in File 857. Sera says to Ran she wants to meet Amuro because she never got a really good look at him from the last case, but Sonoko thinks she wants to meet Conan. Scar Akai later is revealed to be Vermouth in disguise, explaining why he attacked Sera.

So bemerkt der Geiselnehmer in der Detektei, dass Masumi den Kontakt zu Conan über das Handy aufrechterhalten hat und will diesen beenden.Nach ihrem ersten Auftritt benutzt Masumi stets sowohl die linke als auch die rechte Hand. They formally met in chapter 936 (Girls Band) at Cafe Poirot. Mitsuhiko besitzt eine Video-Aufzeichnung von ihr und zeigt diese auch Masumi, die so die durch das Gegengift zum Während der Fahrt im Bell Tree Express teilt sich Masumi ein Abteil mit Ran und Sonoko.Mit Ran, Sonoko, Conan und Kogoro begibt sich Masumi in eine Kochsendung. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Detective Conan Glitter Acrylic Keychain Masumi SeraDisposal Detective Conan Shuichi Akai Masumi Sera Acrylic KeychainCase Closed Detective Conan Acrylic Keychain Mascot Charm Holder Sera Masumi{"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}} Després de fer una deducció majoritàriament correcta durant un cas d'assassinat, es transfereix a la classe de la Ran. Mary Sera (メアリー 世良, Mearī Sera), an APTX 4869 Victim who is also known by her marriage name Mary Akai (赤井 メアリー, Akai Mearī) and appears as a middle-school age girl with light hair who has been hiding in various hotels with Masumi Sera, is a supporting character in the manga and anime franchise Detective Conan. $78.33. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. At first, she wears a grey fedora that used to belong to Shuichi Akai and a dark jacket which gives her an androgynous appearance. Sera and Conan found the two policemen finding the corpse. His demands are that Kogoro figure out which of the three writers killed his sister at a ryokan one month ago. While Sera is still surprised that Shinichi was on the other end of the line instead of Conan, she had initially hoped that Shinichi would somehow be able to talk down the would-be-murderer. After a moment of confusion, the man suddenly fires a gun into the roof and takes the detective agency hostage. Masumi Sera. At a Bowling Center with Conan, Ran, Sonoko and Kogoro, Sera is introduced to Sonoko's boyfriend Makoto. Zur gleichen Zeit lehnt der „Na ja, früher kannte ich jemanden, der hat nie gelacht.“Auf dem Heimweg von der Schule gibt sich Masumi gegenüber Ran und Sonoko als großer Fan des Gemeinsam mit Ran, Sonoko, Conan und Subaru kann Masumi den Fall lösen und die Täter stellen. Sonoko merkt an, dass Masumis Fröhlichkeit wohl keine Grenzen kenne, was sie damit erklärt, dass sie eine Person kannte, die niemals lächelte. Sera realizes the mistake in her deduction and explains the correct timeline of events before the murder.

Sera felt like having met him and even asked him directly about that, but Amuro said that was the first time they met. Conan, Heiji, Sera, and the rest of the group return to the Mouri Detective Agency after the poisoning case at Danny's restaurant. Alles wäre so viel einfacher, wenn sie schlicht Conan oder Ai informieren dürfte. Sera takes an immediate interest in the case and wants to tag along, but Heiji refuses saying that the people he is visiting are only expected five people.

Later, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Hattori comment that her bosoms are rather small. A man then falls into the parking lot and dies. El seu cabell és fosc, ondulat i curt, ni tan sols li toca les espatlles. Sera also has an uneven tooth that shows when she smiles. Conan runs to the source of screaming while Sera told the guard to watch the elevators before running to the roof. Detective Conan Lucky Lottery Sera Masumi Set. ", Sera takes a picture with her smartphone. Als Camel sie wenig später anschaut, fragt sie, ob etwas in ihrem Gesicht sei. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. So spricht sie Ran bei ihrer ersten Begegnung darauf an, dass sie genau ihr Typ seiIn Gefahrensituationen schätzt Masumi ihre Möglichkeiten ab und nutzt diese, um die Situation zu entschärfen, was teils aber auch misslingt. Sera asks what he does for her to which she replies that its small things like helping around the house. In einer Auseinandersetzung kann Masumi einen der Täter mit ihren Jeet Kune Do-Fähigkeiten überwältigen.

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