Ian strikes a deal with Dotty, who's due in court after her arrest at the club earlier this year. Stephen Patterson Friday 4 Sep 2020 12:23 pm. Sadly, but not surprisingly, it's not so easy for Sharon. EastEnders spoilers: Ian Beale takes spiteful revenge on Sharon Watts after rejection Stephen Patterson Friday 11 Sep 2020 11:59 pm Share this … We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.Three months later, viewers will find Ian feeling more optimistic about his future.Sadly, but not surprisingly, it's not so easy for Sharon. When the BBC One soap returned to screens on Monday (September 7), it became apparent that Ian had been harbouring feelings for long-time mate Sharon.Lockdown had evidently brought the pair closer together, and with,Unfortunately for Ian, Sharon didn’t reciprocate those feelings, and.In Friday’s episode (September 11), Ian found himself humiliated when Dotty revealed how Sharon had rejected him in front of a pub full of people, and thus he left the pub.Next week, he’s horrified to learn that Peter (Dayle Hudson) has set him up on a dating app.However, that’s not really what he’s concerned about, as he has a meeting with councillor Douglas to try and get his backing to become Chair of the Planning Committee.As the meeting gets underway, Sharon attempts to help Ian out, and thus she turns on the charm with Douglas.Ian’s ego is still bruised, and therefore he takes such a thing badly — suggesting that he and Douglas conduct their meeting elsewhere.Later in the week, Ian — still stung over Sharon’s rejection — makes her a list of targets to meet for The Vic, but it becomes apparent that said targets are simply unrealistic.Sharon points out this out — suggesting that he’d better grow up — but Ian’s having none of it, and informs her she’d better meet the targets, or he’ll hire someone else.Will Ian follow through on such a threat?Includes exclusive content, spoilers and interviews before they're seen on the site.EastEnders: Full storyline catch up as the soap finally returns,6 reasons why it's time to start watching EastEnders again, as 'Series 2' begins.What happened in the last episode of EastEnders before lockdown?Five incredible off-the-beaten-track Greek isles to jet to,EastEnders star Jessica Plummer ‘quietly splits from boyfriend’ as Chantelle’s tragic storyline airs,EastEnders spoilers: Mitch tells Karen – ‘Gray killed Chantelle!’,EastEnders’ Lily Slater recast with new actress as her mum Stacey returns to Albert Square,EastEnders spoilers: Kheerat reveals he was in love with Chantelle as she dies,EastEnders spoilers: Roger Griffiths reveals Mitch Baker ‘won’t rest’ until he finds out how Chantelle died,she told him as such in Thursday’s episode,stay updated on all things soaps at our homepage,Secrets From The Square fills the EastEnders-shaped hole in your telly schedules to perfection,19 EastEnders moments which defined Mick and Linda Carter's reign as landlords of the Queen Vic,From Den and Angie's divorce papers to Lucy Beale's killer revealed — 35 unforgettable EastEnders moments. She feels haunted by memories of the night Denny died when she sees that Ian has been sent the Queen Vic bust and has put it back in its rightful place at the pub.Grief-stricken, Sharon questions an uncomfortable Ian on whether anything of Denny's was returned too, leaving him feeling terrible that he blindsided her.As Ian battles with his conscience, his dilemma collides with Dotty's, as she prepares for her court hearing.With Dotty now facing an uncertain future, she reaches an agreement with Ian when he promises to change his statement, in return for her silence over Denny.However, despite giving Ian her word, Dotty soon goes back on her promise when he proceeds to wind her up again afterwards.Seeing red, Dotty is unable to contain herself anymore and storms to The Vic, where she tells Sharon that Ian is the reason Denny died.Sharon is horrified as Ian desperately tries to defend himself, but who will she believe?One of Them: From Albert Square to Parliament Square by Michael Cashman,EastEnders: Christmas Specials collection,The World According to Danny Dyer: Life Lessons from the East End by Danny Dyer,All of Me: My Extraordinary Life by Barbara Windsor,There's No Taste Like Home by John Partridge,EastEnders: Iconic Exits collection - part 2,This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses.

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