Note: Majors and programs may change, merge, or move to different U of M colleges. Acting (CLA) (Audition required.

If you would like advice about which major is best for you, please contact us.)

Agricultural and Food Business Management (joint program CFANS & CSOM)Agricultural and Food Business Management (joint program CFANS & CSOM)Cinema and Media Culture, Studies in (Film Studies) (CLA)Environmental Sciences, Policy, & Management (CFANS)Family Social Science (pathway to Social Work) (CEHD)Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology (CFANS)Individually Designed Interdepartmental Major (CLA)Journalism (Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, Mass Communication) (CLA)Applied Psychology in Educational and Community Settings Explore UMD's 15 undergraduate degrees in 84 majors.

For an interactive tool that can be used to explore opportunities related to the more than 150 majors offered at the U of M, please visit Effective March 16, if you have any questions for the Office of Admissions, please contact us through our online form at Office of Admissions, a Division of the Office of Undergraduate Education • 240 Williamson Hall • The University of Minnesota is a proud member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), which values© 2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota. In CLA we offer many majors that students rarely consider before they come here, subjects like: American studies, art history, Chicano/Latino studies, classics, philosophy, or urban studies. You can be successful in CLA whether you decided your major when you were 12 years old or you keep changing your mind. In CLA we offer many majors that students rarely consider before they come here, subjects like: American studies, art history, Chicano/Latino studies, classics, philosophy, or urban studies. The University of Minnesota is a world-class research university, offering 150 majors. Ready to explore?
Between the five campuses of the University of Minnesota System, students can explore nearly 300 different degrees/majors and programs. Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (joint program with CSE) All rights reserved. Agricultural & Food Business Management (joint program with CFANS) (

Call the Department of Theatre Arts at 612-625-7461 for details.) Biochemistry* Biology* Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development Microbiology* Neuroscience* Plant Biology* (If you would like advice about which college is best for you, please • The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer • This list of results will narrow as you type. Five UMD schools and colleges … …

You can be successful in CLA whether you decided your major when you were 12 years old or you keep changing your mind. The University of Minnesota is a world-class research university, offering 150 majors. Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering (joint program with CFANS) Consult the

Consult the Individually Designed Majors Baccalaureate Industrial and Systems Engineering B.I.Sy.E. • The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer • Effective March 16, if you have any questions for the Office of Admissions, please contact us through our online form at Office of Admissions, a Division of the Office of Undergraduate Education • 240 Williamson Hall • The University of Minnesota is a proud member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), which values© 2014 Regents of the University of Minnesota. These majors are housed within several colleges at the University of Minnesota. Simply type your key word(s) in the search bar below. This page sorts U of M majors alphabetically. Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics (CSE) African American and African Studies (CLA)* Agricultural and Food Business Management (joint program CFANS & CSOM)* Agricultural Education (CFANS) Agricultural Communication and Marketing (CFANS) American Indian St… All rights reserved.
Note: Majors and programs may change, merge, or move to different U of M colleges. These majors are housed within

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