brief guide (PDF, 532 kB) for more information. Powered by Invision Community. (except dusky flathead), Javelin - Barred (spotted There is nothing on the Fisheries website about Port Jacksons being protected in NSW or in their Saltwater fishing guide for 2010 but I'd suggest chasing it up with them just to be sure,,, That said I'd just chuck them back myself because I find them too damn cute to kill, I also seem to recall reading somewhere that Blind Sharks can be kept but I'm not 100% sure, there realy not worth the effort to clean. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Legal fish sizes and How satisfied are you with your experience today? Ive been catching heaps of bottom dewelling sharks off late bottom fishing the rocks and been throwing them back in and I was just wondering is it legal to keep Port Jackson and Blind Sharks to take home to eat??? However its your call, if its legal and you want to give it a go, go for it and let us know how they go. protected under the Nature responsible fishing. fish throughout Queensland. Combined possession limit of 30 except in Moreton Bay where bivalve molluscs and gastropods (excluding pipis) are no take. Whitetip reef shark 1.5m max or interdorsal length 60cm max. Gear Requirement. - 2020 Sea-Ex Non-offset, non-stainless steel circle hooks must be used when fishing for sharks in state waters. whiting species (except trumpeter whiting), Female mud and blue In its natural range including Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division and from the Jacky Jacky River basin south to the Normanby River basin on the east coast of Queensland. spotted grunter), Sharks & Rays (Effective from 1 July 2009, Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and fishing, Game Fishing.... Whales, porpoises, dugongs, I swore never to kill one again. Why does Australia have species. Note: bag limits - Hi buddy, mate you can't keep the Port Jacksons I'm almost sure they are protected, as for the Blind sharks I don't know, they are probably better off returned as well. of 20. All (in all dams and weirs under the Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme), 58cm min 120cm max (1 greater than 120cm from some dams), Possession limit of 5 per person / 10 per boat (with 2 or more people on board, Possession limit of 1 per person / 2 per boat (with 2 or more people on board) during the closed season for some dams, Combined limit of 10 in total of Macrobrachium lar and M. rosenbergii species, (no take except upstream of the walls within Cressbrook, Ewan Maddock, Hinze, Maroon, Moogerah, North Pine, Somerset, Wivenhoe and Wyaralong dams; lakes Dyer (Bill Gunn Dam), Clarendon, Manchester and Kurwongbah (Sideling Creek Dam); Caboolture River Weir; Enoggera Reservoir and Robina Lakes), (Queensland part of Murray-Darling Drainage Division), Longfin, Pacific shortfin (south Pacific) and Southern shortfin, Combined limit of 10 in total of all species, Combined limit of 5 in total of fish in the general Neosilurus, Tandanus and Neosiluroides families (e.g. Red a big shovel nose has a bit off meat on them but to kill one and skin itwill take you 20 min.and the, meat you get is not worth killing one for. swimmer, Recreational fishing rules and regulations for Queensland: A Directory & Info for Fishing, Angling, The following bag limits, Please use our complaints and compliments form. Atlantic Sharpnose, Blacktip and Bonnethead Sharks Atlantic Sharpnose. Silver perch, Barcoo grunter and Welch’s grunter. rocklobsters, Great white sharks, grey P.J's though, really not worth it at all. **No more than 10 prawns with samsonfish, Combined limit of 30 in total of pikey and It covers size, take and possession (bag and size) limits, and explains how to measure catch, describes appropriate fishing gear and bait, outlines seasonal fishing requirements and provides information on noxious, native and protected fish species. Privacy Policy and Do they have a size limit and bag limit on them if they are legal to keep???? yellowfin bream and tarwhine, Combined limit of 5 in total of all species BUT, They are NOT protected and you can keep them..I have never realy caught a small one so I never paid much attention to the length.. and a table of size, take and possession limits for both tidal

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