Get the very latest weather forecast, including hour-by-hour views, the 10-day outlook, temperature, humidity, precipitation for your area. Low temperature around 40F. Winds will be 3 mph from the SW.
30% Chance of Rain
GNET - Australian 10 Day Precipitation Outlook.
Clear. 55°
Winds will be 2 mph from the SW.
Winds will be 2 mph from the SE. Mostly Cloudy
Dew point will be around 30F with an average humidity of 57%. 62°
... and climate networks. Partly cloudy.
High temperature around 54F. 42°
Winds will be 2 mph from the WSW. The current method that CPC is using, the Heidke Skill Score, compares the forecast to the observation and then takes a step further to compare how this accuracy is compared to that of a random forecast, the climatology. 46°
Actual forecasts made every day for 50 locations in the U.S. from Dec. 2001-Dec. 2007 were digitized from the forecast maps (whose electronic archives began in Dec. 2001). Mostly Sunny
Mostly sunny. Friday
AgNet, PO Box 52, Kulin WA 6365, AUSTRALIA Partly Cloudy
Users can be confident that with adequate skills these forecasts can be useful in helping them avoid the harmful impacts of extreme wet (flood) or dry (drought) situations.The improvement of accuracy of the forecasts in the period from 2002-2007 is measured by 6-year trend of annual frequency of correct forecasts at each of the 50 locations in the United States. Precipitation Outlook for the Conterminous U.S. Related Maps: Climate outlook for Temperature and Soil MoistureTemperature and Soil Moisture
Winds will be 3 mph from the SSW.
Accurate 12 Day Weather Forecasts for thousands of places around the World.
The CPC issues the official U.S. 6 to 10 day outlooks.
Dew point will be around 34F with an average humidity of 53%.
Winds will be 3 mph from the W.
2. Dew point will be around 41F with an average humidity of 90%. Thursday
Qi S. Hu and Kari Skaggs.
Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Minturn, CO with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and
This forecast is identified by farmers and extension agents as the most useful forecast for nearly all farming decisions during the growing season. Dew point will be around 34F with an average humidity of 63%. Dew point will be around 27F with an average humidity of 54%.
Dew point will be around 36F with an average humidity of 58%. Dew point will be around 25F with an average humidity of 48%. Winds will be 1 mph from the WSW.
Mostly cloudy.
Compiled with the forecast data provided by (ECMWF- European Center for Medium range Forecasting) Pleasee note that this is a model forecast. Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Now.
The second comparison in this procedure gives a measure of the skill of the forecasts.
You can also overlay pressure and live weather observations on … Probability High Temperatures Low Temperatures Cloud Cover Wind Relative Humidity Dewpoint Snowfall SEASONAL FORECASTS Temperature Precipitation Dew point will be around 34F with an average humidity of 63%.
2 Sep. 39° Lowest.
Dew point will be around 30F with an average humidity of 38%. Mostly sunny. Feels Like: 45 °F Forecast: 79 / 50 °F By integrating our hyper-local weather data with Smart Home connected devices we are delievering predictive energy efficiency insight to homeowners and Utility companies. 1 Sep. 35° Lowest. 1), above median (A), and below median (B). Low temperature around 43F.
The larger triangles show statistically significant trends at 90% confidence level.
We provide detailed Weather Forecasts over a 12 day period updated four times a day. Chance of precipitation 25%. This outlook is prepared by the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies in the United States. These charts predict the future. Our interactive weather maps can be customized to show forecasts of temperature, weather and wind. Winds will be 2 mph from the W.
Dew point will be around 39F with an average humidity of 71%. High temperature around 64F.
Long range outlooks for temperature and precipitaiton from the National Weather Service High temperature around 65F. Low temperature around 38F.
Pressure & Precip Surface Temperature 7 DAY NWS MOS FORECASTS Weather Type Precip. 46°
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