A Nutshell Review: Kylie Aphrodite: Les Folies Tour 2011, Best 2000s documentary (mostly about music and movies), Films That I Have Reviewed During My Career. Siden succesen med Neighbours har hun spillet med i enkelte film. Hun lod sig inspirere af Garbage, Björk, U2 og Manic Street Preachers, og efterhånden skrev hun en hel del af sine tekster selv. The betting's off - Tom Hardy is set to be the next Bond. Metacritic Reviews. Brooke Vincent chows down on chips as she watches Corrie... Not even Elisabetta Canalis's FOUR outfit changes can... Crocheting couple on causing internet outage during pandemic, Man in Mexico gets swept onto rocks while doing clip for TIkTok, Footage shows moment two inmates allegedly attack prison officer, Suspected fly-tipper in Dorset kicks man in confrontation, Staggering moment defendant escapes court hearing in Ohio, Harry and Meghan urge Americans to 'reject hate speech' and vote, Trump booed while paying respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, LBC: Sadiq Khan reacts to Croydon police officer shooting, Croydon: Aerial footage shows centre where police officer was shot, Police cordon off scene of knife attack near former Charlie Hebdo HQ, Seattle bike cop runs over protester's head, 'We're in your corner': Meghan sends message to AGT finalist. Fra en alder af elleve dukkede Kylie op i små roller i sæbeoperaer som The Sullivans og Skyways, og i 1985 blev støbt i en af hovedrollerne i The Henderson Kids. She was joined on stage by her large troupe of dancers, including some scantily-clad hunky males to lift the pint-sized pop star in the air. Lean on me: Kylie dances with two muscular male dancers. Efter dette album trak Kylie Minogue sig ud af samarbejdet med Stock Aitken Waterman og begyndte nu en periode med mere søgende og eksperimenterende albumudgivelser. Minogue udgav sit tiende studiealbum X i november 2007, og den første single "2 Hearts" blev udgivet samme måned. Hendes næste single, "Confide in Me", nåede nummer ét i Australien og var desuden et hit i flere europæiske lande i 1994 samt en duet med Nick Cave, "Where the Wild Roses Grow", bragte Minogue en større grad af kunstnerisk troværdighed. Albummet nåede førstepladsen på UK Albums Chart. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Australian Recording Industry Association, Synth pop: Encyclopedia of Modern Music The Times February 1, 2009, Daily Telegraph Australia: Prime Minister Julia Gillard to honour pop princess Kylie Minogue, "Why we love Kylie – By three of the people who know her best", "Better Than Today - EP by Kylie Minogue - Download Better Than Today - EP on iTunes", "Kylie Minogue to Drop 'Aphrodite Les Folies Live in London' DVD in November", What Kind of Fool (Heard All That Before), https://da.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kylie_Minogue&oldid=9884949, Commons-kategori på Wikidata er ens med sidetitel, Artikler med musikhenvisninger fra Wikidata, Artikler med filmpersonhenvisninger fra Wikidata, Wikipedia artikler med VIAF autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med LCCN autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med ISNI autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med GND autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med SELIBR autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med BNF autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med BIBSYS autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med MusicBrainz autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med NLA autoritetsdata-ID, Wikipedia artikler med Den Store Danske autoritetsdata-ID, Creative Commons Navngivelse/Del på samme vilkår 3.0. The ghostly 'lighthouse' lab that's proof testing is on the rocks: Wales' health minister said it would open... Britain could avoid tougher measures by cooping away the elderly and premises could soon be given 'covid... Care home residents and staff will be first to get a Covid-19 vaccine ahead of NHS staff all over-80s,... How quickly is Britain's Covid-19 outbreak REALLY growing? Hendes næste album Body Language (2003) blev udgivet efter en invitation-koncert med titlen Money Can't Buy i London. [12] I oktober 2010 udførte Minogue foran Sfinksen i Giza i Egypten for at fejre årsdagen for et tidsskrift. På trods af generelt beskeden succes havde hun fortsat stor medgang i hjemlandet, Australien. Det blev hendes største turné til dato med over 100 medarbejdere.
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