And, when we got to the house, these pelicans stayed on the dam. In this semi-arid outback landscape, sheep farming along with some small irrigated cotton crops comprise the primary industry in the area today.Bourke's traditional landholders endured a similar fate to indigenous people across Australia. Initiated and led by the Aboriginal community, the initiative is now tackling the social issues that get kids into trouble in the first place. I was the oldest granddaughter of Archibald Pepper, from whom we know some of our language and totem, which is the pelican, and stories about our identity and about our place.When the Commonwealth Games project with the cloak happened, it was intended to ensure that all language groups were able to participate and be part of the opening ceremony. Eventually she left her home to be cared for by an aunt of mine and I did get the picture before she died. I was born Eleanor Anderson and I identify as a Wergaia woman through my mother. They are also consulting with stakeholders about a warrant clinic to create support plans for young people who have committed less serious offences, which will help them stay out of custody.The pioneering Aboriginal Elders and leaders of Bourke are leading the way in taking the concept of justice reinvestment and putting it in the hands of Aboriginal Peoples.Despite the promise of this and other brilliant community led-initiatives, too often community programs struggle for support. This booklet is one of a series that records the stories of Aboriginal women in New South Wales. ... a local tribeā¦ When I was little, she used to say when you grow up this is your photograph. And I don't really care what people say. I was named after her and had one other cousin who was named after her as well. To me that's really important because it talks to an ongoing presence of people and that's the most important thing to me personally.Your photograph and your use of the photographs will continue that perpetuation of people. She was Eleanor Jesse Pepper and I am Eleanor Anne. The straight line, the linear triangles and shield shapes are particularly Victorian. Our government is still separating Indigenous kids from communities. Aunty Eleanor is the proprietor of the Mt Noorat Hotel (just outside Warrnambool), committee member of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council and Native Title Services Victoria. It is being taught in a small part, in some schools in Victoria, in the region, which is good.I do sit on a couple of committees - one for the government, the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council, which I chaired for two years and also Native Title Services Victoria, which is responsible for assisting some groups firm up native title claims. It's all part of that package.Well when we did it, we told many members of our extended family what we were going to do and why. And of course, as she got older and older, she used to tell me towards the end of her time living in her own home, that I should take this picture. Adults $30. Maranguka project credited with cutting major offences by 18% and domestic violence and drug offences by 40%The rates of major crime, domestic violence and drug offences have all dropped in the far western Bourke is one of the most disadvantaged communities in Australia, with high long-term unemployment and family violence, and the highest rate of juvenile convictions in NSW.The Maranguka project is a local initiative, the largest of its kind in Australia, based on redirecting the resources spent on policing and punishment to projects that help prevent offending behaviour.Figures released on Monday by Maranguka show that in Bourke between 2015 and 2017 rates fell by:Rates of reoffending also dropped significantly. In a time when there were obviously Aboriginal people but Aboriginal people were treated in a particular way at that time.Women worked like the men in those days. So, that's now on the public record, again, as part of an ongoing tradition and identity of people.The second thing in relation to Henry Atkinson's comment on education, my daughter uses her cloaks as teaching tools when she talks to groups.
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