Sie kämpfte mit einem Doppellichtschwert. Zannah returned with her Master to Ambria and demanded on threat of death that the local healer save the Dark Lord, which he agreed to do only after Zannah revealed the Sith presence on Ambria to the Jedi. Doch sie entschied, dass ihr Schicksal nicht von einem Traum, sondern von ihr selbst abhing und schwebte hinunter auf sicheren Boden. Born on Somov Rit, Zannah spent her younger life with her three cousins, Darovit, Hardin, and Root, the former two beings of Force potential. She placed the five lightsabers of the vanquished Jedi from Tython by the door and retrieved her Master's comatose form, hiding with him in the hut's makeshift cellar and covering them both with a Dark Jedi Set Harth, Darth Zannah's first legitimate apprenticeAfter the events on Ambria, Zannah, under the alias of Zannah returned with Harth to Ciutric IV to confront Bane, only to find that the Dark Lord had been Upon returning to her Master's mansion, Zannah mentioned the name of Andeddu to Harth, who revealed that during his time Zannah and Harth traveled to Doan, where they found that Bane had been taken to the Before long, Zannah received a distress signal in her shuttle on a channel that only she and Bane knew, instructing her to meet him on Ambria at Caleb's camp. Play. Darovit made an attempt to attack Bane but was easily dispatched by Zannah, though she spared his life. Her mission complete, Zannah was surprised to encounter her cousin Darovit, who confessed that he had exposed her presence to the Jedi. Zannah, who was then known by her nickname of Rain, and Root, however, didn't show signs of being Force-sensitive. When Bane lay dying on Tython, Zannah cared for him, albeit selfishly; her reason for keeping him alive was so that she could continue to learn from him the ways of the dark side. BY: Origine Apatros Décès 980 av. Sie sagte, sie sei eine Mörderin und es erschien ihr richtig, die Männer zu töten. Zannah hatte großen Respekt vor ihrem Meister, und war begierig, von ihm zu lernen. She told Darovit to hide there as well, and explained to her Master that the young man would only hinder their efforts. Gleichzeitig schickte er seine Schülerin in den Die beiden kamen nach einigen Tagen auf Tython an und trafen vor der Festung auf Bane, der Zannah und ihr Meister lebten zur Tarnung als die Geschwister Auf Nal Hutta angekommen begab sich Zannah in die Villa Set Harts. She worried at first that it might be a trap, but her instincts told her it was nothing more than a challenge to finish what they had begun on Doan. Later, after he fled from the Sith at the Stone Prison, Zannah realized that choosing Harth had been a mistake.At first, when Zannah discovered that Bane had traveled to Prakith to learn the secret of eternal life from Andeddu's holocron, she was infuriated.

When the parasites that comprised Bane's body armor began to cause him concern, Zannah was tasked with infiltrating the Jedi Temple archives on Coruscant to obtain information about the creatures. She grew into an athletically built, left-handed woman of average height, with long, blond curls of hair and eyes yellow with the dark side. Five Jedi burst into the room soon afterward, and battle quickly ensued. Der dunkle Lord überlebte den Angriff mithilfe seiner Orbalisken und es gelang ihm, alle acht Feinde zu töten. After the war, which had resulted in both the Jedi and the Sith armies decimated, the survivors gathered in a cave, where Zannah reunited with Darovit, who mistakenly believed that she was Bane's captive.

She rebuffed Darovit's subsequent attempts to placate her but became partially interested when he said that even though Caleb had refused to assist her, Bane could still be saved. She was able to stave off his attacks, which soon changed into a pattern of quick thrusts and feints. Shortly upon arrival, Zannah was separated from the others when they were attacked by Buzzard fighters dispatched by the Laa was killed when Jedi Knights Petja and a companion were tasked with eliminating the Bouncers, who had been driven into a state of madness by the war, though Laa had not succumbed to the madness. Zannah was able to free herself from the assault with a series of acrobatic maneuvers and quickly stabbed at Bane, only to find that he had not followed her escape, instead staying several meters away. In her tutelage under Darth Bane, Zannah executed a variety of missions designed to incite anarchist movements throughout the Galactic Republic, including manipulating the terrorist Anti-Republic Liberation Front into a botched kidnapping attempt on former Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum.

Feel free to send us your own wallpaper and we will consider adding it to appropriate category. Zannah returned with him to Ciutric IV to confront her own Master, only to find that Bane had been captured by the Doan Royal Guard. Das stellte ihn zufrieden und so entging Zannah knapp dem Tod.Nachdem Zannah Bane die Datenkarte überreicht hatte, beschloss dieser, sofort nach Tython aufzubrechen, und Belias Festung zu finden.

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