When Mercury is in Libra, we are diplomatic and friendly. Mercury is in Libra from September 5-September 27, 2020.
While the Moon in Aries seeks to innovate, the Taurus Moon focuses on building upon what’s already in place. Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer–half-man, half-horse, representing the sign's attempt to free itself from man’s animal … The symbol of Sagittarius is the Centaur — a mythical creature half human half horse.
Ruled by expansive Jupiter, Sagittarius natives can be thought of as the “seekers” of the zodiac who like to expand their minds by seeking out new perspectives and experiences.The primary strength of Sagittarius is their optimism. Sagittarius' modality is MUTABLE, which is flexible, adaptable, and changeable. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) The ninth of the Zodiac signs is the Sagittarius, the Archer.
It’s a time of year when the days have begun to get shorter, and the night begins to dominate.
The dates that the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius each year in the tropical zodiac are approximately As a symbol of the Archer, the Sagittarian glyph resembles an arrow. The Sagittarius woman is honest and reliable. A half-man and half-horse called a Chiron was sent to kill the scorpion. This makes them potentially great orators, storytellers, and teachers, but can also amplify their tendency to be overly enthusiastic and verbose when speaking. It’s an excellent time to improve our negotiation skills. Sagittarius' modality is MUTABLE, which is flexible, adaptable, and changeable.
The Moon continues its transit of Aries until it heads into the sign of Taurus at 4:44 AM EDT. It is not surprising that in the house of Sagittarius parents there are always many people.Of a curious and active nature, the Sagittarius woman very much likes journeys and discoveries.
Their belief and faith are unshakeable, and many Sagittarius natives who follow a religious life, become hugely respected within their communities for their dedication to a higher purpose and a higher belief.Honesty is a positive trait of Sagittarius; however, their honesty can often land them in hot water.
Irresponsibility that results from blind optimism, not ill will, can be displayed.With Fire, we have pride, passion, courage, creativity, and impulse — all traits associated with Sagittarius.Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer–half-man, half-horse.
Even when everybody has flown from the family nest, they still want to maintain the relationship they had as children.Sagittarius is among those who think that it is never the right time to start a family. They remain incredibly jovial about life and are always looking forward to the future. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. She does not hesitate to say what she means, which can trigger several blunders.
However, the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars, is forming tense aspects today, and it may not be easy to get in touch with what we desire or where we stand. This house is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It unites people together and offers great healing to those who need it, even if it's just an ear to listen. Sagittarius compatibility - the compatibility of Sagittarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. She hates all forms of injustice above all and does not hesitate to defend the victims.The main qualities of the Sagittarius woman are obviously her spontaneity, but also the way she is open to others. The Centaur has a bow, and he is ready to fire an arrow.
Today's Aries Moon is typically direct and action-oriented. Click to enlarge:New Moon in Virgo 2020 Chart, with Additional PointsSun enters Libra Mercury and the Sun form minor challenging aspects to the fiery planet, and if we’re out of touch with our desires, our expression is choppy or misrepresentative.Even so, Mercury forms a sextile to Venus, encouraging cooperation and agreement. We can have a high ego investment in our money, love life, children, or pastimes. We can feel moved to present our ideas or romantic overtures, teach, guide, and make deals. This house is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It represents the eternal quest.Jupiter symbolizes reach, broader purpose, and possibilities. However, the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars, is forming tense aspects today, and it may notToday’s Aries Moon is typically direct and action-oriented. We tend to feed on attention, acknowledgment, validation, and adoration during this transit. Being born with a bold, jovial disposition, Sagittarius natives usually find it easy to feel happy, enthusiastic, and to see the bright side of life. They may also join the navy or become pilots. Sagittarius’ warmth and idealism will likely be their strong suit, so jobs in which they can teach, inspire, and work for a higher cause or purpose will be best.This could manifest in many professions, but likely will not be found in staid, routine-type jobs that require laboring over finicky details or analysis. [caption id="attachment_48404" align="aligncenter"Jupiter’s retrograde cycle in 2020: May to SeptemberToday, Jupiter leaves its retrograde cycle as it stations direct. Sun is in Libra from September 22-October 22, 2020. Mythology
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