A Dense Fog Advisory is in effect for portions of the area.. View all valid statements/warnings or choose a specific point or river to get the details for that location.

However, river levels can change up and down quickly. All river level data, flood warnings, forecasts and alerts are supplied by the relevant national environmental agencies and the Met Office.

This data should not be used as a determination of river or water safety during boating, fishing or other water activities. This information is redistributed from Weather.gov and we make no claims as to it’s accuracy, freshness, or reliability. Telemetered data showing current river levels and rainfall is provided publicly as a service for general interest only.. Finding new water resources, including Royalties for Regions-funded programs and other drilling programs to explore resources across the state.Information about allocation plans, which set out how much water can be reliably taken from groundwater and surface water sources for productive purposes while ensuring the sustainability of the resource and protection of the water-dependent environment.Information about ensuring sustainable water supplies for the state’s population and industries, including the Water for Growth and Water for Food programs.Click here to apply for rebates and grants for farmers, pastoralists and rural communities to improve local water supplies and for information about assistance to help farmers access water during dry seasons.Information, advice and management of flood plans based on flood behaviour research and floodplain mapping for the state's major rivers.Integrated water and land use planning based on the principles of total water cycle management.The Department of Water invites you to share your ideas on creating innovative solutions to water challenges.Licences and how to apply, licensing policies, forms to download and answers to questions frequently asked by current and prospective licensees.Find out who is eligible to trade water entitlements and how applications are assessed. The data is unchecked, so it should be used with caution. current data reliability 99%.

All river level data, flood warnings, forecasts and alerts are supplied by the relevant national environmental agencies and the Met Office. ceremonial county rather than having their own entry. The data is automatic and comes direct from the field site.

So unitary authorities will be found within their appropriate Click here for current WA legislation.We are updating our policy and legislation to deliver water resource management legislation that is flexible, progressive and capable of managing water today and in the future.Legislation and policy for Western Australia’s water service providers.Planning and managing water to enable growing, liveable water smart towns and cities.Protecting and managing public drinking water source areas including policies relating to public drinking water source areas, water source protection plans, water quality strategies and management and review processes.Click here for information about sprinkler restrictions in Western Australia for scheme water and garden bore users. All content copyright © Government of Western Australia. Click here for more information about your garden bore, licence exemptions and being ‘bore water-wise’ in your garden.Information on the state’s groundwater resources, locations, investigations, aquifer recharge and sustainable management of water resources, including an overview of state groundwater investigations.Surface water, like rivers and streams used for public water supply, self-supply, irrigation, recreation and hydropower and rainfall and streamflow monitoring, catchment modelling and flood studies to manage surface water.Click here for information about water quality, including public drinking water source areas, salinity, brochures, fact sheets and best management practices for various land uses and activities to help protect water quality and public health.Rivers and estuaries and their importance including information on monitoring and assessing waterways, protecting, understanding, planning, restoring, and risks and threats.There are 166 estuaries in Western Australia as established through the National Land and Water Resources Audit (NLWRA) 2000, where an estuary is defined asClick here for information on types of irrigators, licenses and the role of irrigation as an economic enabler for industry.Information on the department’s role in relation to the shale and tight gas industry.A detailed collection of online atlases and maps with information on the State’s water resources, including depth to groundwater, garden bore suitability, geology and proclaimed management areas.Information and reports collected from the department's extensive State-wide monitoring network, which are provided free for water management, state development and research purposes.​​​The annual reports provide information for our stakeholders and the wider community about the department’s operations and performance in each financial year.The South West Settlement is a landmark native title settlement for the State of Western Australia and will be the most wide-ranging native title proposalWe monitor river levels and rainfall to help prepare flood forecasts and warnings to Western Australia's communities.For the latest flood information call 1300 659 213 or visit For information on road conditions contact Main Roads WA Customer Contact Centre on 138 138 or at

We monitor river levels and rainfall to help prepare flood forecasts and warnings to Western Australia's communities. Bureau Home > Australia > New South Wales > Rainfall & River Conditions > New South Wales Rain and River Data View the current warnings for New South Wales Latest River … Check current river levels in England and Wales.. Strong stream warnings. Data quality is beyond our control and depends on timely updates by the underlying data sources. All rights reserved.

Counties are ceremonial, or geographic, counties rather than administrative counties, as that tends to work

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