To Geertz, analysis separated observation from interpretative methodologies. Clifford Geertz Deep Play Notes on the Balinese Cockfight – summary and review. semiotic, context-dependent, cultural hermeneutics, or “thick description.” In perhaps the most quoted passage in interpretive anthropology, Geertz’s The Interpretation of Cultures defines culture and thick description as follows: “Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in Rather, it is a web of symbols that can help us better understand what that behavior means. As cultures are dynamic and changing, Geertz also emphasizes the importance of speaking Geertz is revered for his pioneering field methods and clear, accessible prose writing style (Interpretive methodologies were needed to understand culture as a system of meaning.
StuDocu University. Geertz's "Thick Description" Geertz (1973) takes issue with the state of anthropological practices in understanding culture. He Clifford Geertz Basic Books, 1973 Chapter I / Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture I In her book, Philosophy in a New Key, Susanne Langer remarks that certain ideas burst upon the intellectual landscape with a tremendous force. Eugene Y. Wang - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (3):435-473. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! After service in the U.S. Navy in World War II (1943–45), Geertz studied at Antioch College, Ohio (B.A., 1950), and Harvard University (Ph.D., 1956). But if we provide a context we will know if the person is attracted to us, or that s/he is trying to communicate secretly, or that s/he has something in his/her eye. Since then, ‘thick description’ has gradually taken hold in the social sciences, and today, it has become the way of writing qualitatively.Geertz borrowed the term from philosopher Gilbert Ryle and added meaning to it. This analysis begins with distinguishing all individuals present and coming to an integrative synthesis that accounts for the actions produced. He argued that if someone winks at us without a context, we don’t know what it means. A thick description explains not only the behavior, but the context in which it occurs, and to describe something thickly, Geertz argues, is the fundamental role of the anthropologist. Book title Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight; Author. summary of clifford geertz: thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture :instructor :course name :made :student id :date clifford geertz: thick By highlighting the reductive nature of ethnography, to reduce culture to "menial observations," Geertz hoped to reintroduce ideas of culture as semiotic. (2006) Brief note on the origins, evolution and meaning of the qualitative research concept ‘thick description’, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I came to Geertz through a slightly tortuous route through my MBA studies. Because of this, Geertz's influence is connected with "a massive cultural shift" in the social sciences referred to as the Geertz's thick description approach, along with the theories of harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFRobinson1983 (
What defines it is the kind of intellectual effort it is: an elaborate venture in, to borrow a notion from Gilbert Ryle, ‘thick description’”(Geertz, 1973:6; Ponterotto, 2006: 539).Geertz believed that the reader of anthropological writing needed to interpret the credibility of the author’s interpretation and he/she could only do this if the observations and context were fully described.‘Thick description’ goes beyond surface appearances to include the context, detail, emotion, and webs of social relationships. Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2016. Course. The term ‘thick description’ was made famous by anthropologist Clifford Geertz who wrote in this style as a way of capturing his brand of ethnography in the 1970s.… In his first chapter in The Interpretation of Cultures, Clifford Geertz discusses the role of the ethnographer.
Following Ryle's work, the American anthropologist Thick description emphasized a more analytical approach, whereas previously observation alone was the primary approach. Clifford Geertz, American cultural anthropologist, a leading rhetorician and proponent of symbolic anthropology and interpretive anthropology. It presents the significance of an observation, event or behaviour. The ability of thick descriptions to showcase the totality of a situation to aid in the overall understanding of findings was called Geertz pushes for a search for a "web of meaning". Geertz, Clifford. ‘Thick description’ explains the context of practices and discourses in a society.Denzin (1989) outlines the features of ‘thick description’. Broadly, the ethnographer's aim is to observe, record, and analyze a culture.
3.0 out of 5 stars Insightful thick read. StuDocu Summary Library EN. The term ‘thick description’ was made famous by anthropologist Clifford Geertz who wrote in this style as a way of capturing his brand of ethnography in the 1970s. But it is not these things, techniques and received procedures that define the enterprise. For each observation, event or behaviour, ‘thick description’ captures the following details:‘Thick description’ allows the reader to ‘see’ the lives of respondents because of the way the text is written.Bloom’s taxonomy is another way of describing thickly in qualitative writing.In short: describe, explain, give examples, interpret, make sense of your interpretation and then explain to the reader why this is (or isn’t) a worthy interpretation.Ponterotto, J.G. In “From one point of view, that of the textbook, doing ethnography is establishing rapport, selecting informants, transcribing texts, taking genealogies, mapping fields, keeping a diary, and so on. New York: Basic Books, 1973. Thick description includes voices, feelings, actions and meanings (Ponterotto, 2006).The example most commonly used to explain ‘Thick description’ comes from Ryle. They resolve so many fundamental problems at Following Max Webber, Geertz views people as being entangled in webs of meaning that are of their own making.
These ideas were incompatible with textbook definitions of ethnography of the times that described ethnography as systematic observationsThis approach brings about its own difficulties.
Clifford Geertz. The Winking Owl: Visual Effect and Its Art Historical Thick Description.
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