Huckstepp set out to do far more than recount the events of her partner's death. I remember the Wood toyal comission and the brave independent Tony hatton who made it happen in spite of the pressure put on him by the Conservative party police minister and the police.At that time it was said that the NSW police force was the best police force money can buy.utube has a great doco on hatton and its worth a look. After travelling to Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, her husband asked her to work as a prostitute to help support his heroin addiction. On Wednesday, he and Glen McNamara were found guilty of murdering 20-year-old university student Jamie Gao. Smith then claimed he dragged her into the pond and stood on her back to keep her head submerged for a few more minutes. That was more than thirty years ago. There’s no need,” she said. THE Sydney prostitute thought going public about crooked cops involved in killing her partner would protect her. She said he’d left his gun at home and was unarmed. In Neddy: the Life and Crimes of Arthur Stanley Smith, Smith claims that Lanfranchi asked him to negotiate a payment with then-Detective-Sergeant Roger Rogerson to escape being charged with the shooting. [6] He later told the Administrative Appeals Tribunal that Huckstepp's death was a "traumatic event for (him)". He claims that he was attempting to arrest Lanfranchi on suspicion of five bank robberies. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. On the evening of 6 February 1986, Huckstepp received a phone call in her Edgecliff apartment. ", "She'll never be forgotten." Born Sallie-Anne Krivoshow in 1954, Sallie-Anne left school aged 17, married Bryan Huckstepp, and changed her surname. I know Warren’s family suffered deeply, but I cannot do anything about it. They later returned to Sydney, where Huckstepp continued prostitution, eventually developing a heroin habit of her own. No one has ever been convicted of her murder despite it resulting in one of the longest running inquests of its kind in Australia, from 1987 to 1991. Huckstepp maintained Lafranchi had been murdered and she became a police informant. SALLIE-Anne Huckstepp was a Sydney prostitute who bravely, and perhaps naively, blew the whistle on crooked cops — but it was a move that ultimately cost her life. She rushed out, telling Gwen Beecroft - an acquaintance with whom she stayed at the time - that she would be back shortly. “He wanted her dead, he was being groomed for bigger and greater things and I think that was a big part of his anger and resentment towards my mother.”. Prior to the inquest, Neddy Smith was interviewed four times by four separate teams of detectives. And how she ended up on 60 Minutes, blowing the whistle on the NSW Police force detective she knew to be responsible. He was shot dead at Dangar Place, Chippendale in 1981 by former policeman Roger Rogerson.Source:Supplied, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp was found murdered in February, 1986.Source:News Corp Australia. A documentary about her life was made and she began writing articles for a monthly magazine. It began in 1987 and lasted until 1991, though it only sat for a total of 19 days in that time. Duncan McNab, author of The Dodger (2006) and Roger Rogerson (2016), recalls the effect of Huckstepp's 60 Minutes interview: "She was articulate, she was bright, she was on the front foot... exactly what Roger had not expected", he tells Meshel Laurie on Australian True Crime. And Sascha Huckstepp was just one person happy to see him fall. Smith claims that Rogerson had instructed him to drive Lanfranchi to a meeting with him and to disarm him in the car. A coroner found in 1991 that she drowned, af­ter as­phyxia caused by stran­gu­la­tion by a per­son or per­sons un­known. “She was a very, very attractive girl”, Debra Krivoshow, Sallie-Anne’s sister, tells Australian True Crime hosts Emily Webb and Meshel Laurie. "I think people are starting to realise what she took on, and the depth of it all. Instead, she intended to expose former detective-sergeant Rogerson for who he truly was. But within months, it was to fund her own. Huckstepp sought refuge and protection by pursuing the matter in the media. She told 60 Minutes in an episode aired this week that Rogerson “shattered” her life. [1], In 1981, Huckstepp met and began a relationship with Warren Lanfranchi. She also claimed that Neddy Smith had lied to the inquest and was involved in a conspiracy with Rogerson. Convicted killer Arthur (Neddy) Smith guarded by correctional officers as they leave Supreme Court in Sydney, after he was acquitted of the 1986 murder of Sallie-Anne Huckstepp.Source:News Corp Australia.

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