However, it does not show howhe died. Scientists have finally discovered how King Tutankhamun died, nearly a century after the boy-pharaoh's tomb was unearthed in Egypt.

In 2014, producers of a BBC television documentarypostulated that Tut died in chariot crash that broke his legs and pelvis, and resulted in an infection and perhaps death by blood poisoning. Others have stated Tut wouldn’t have been able to ride in a chariot because of his

Archaeologists have suggested that Tut was in a really bad chariot crash, and his body never recovered (perhaps exacerbated by his poor constitution). Carly Silver is an ancient and classical history expert who has served as a tour guide, assistant editor for Harlequin Books, and teacher and lecturer in Brooklyn. Perhaps his elderly adviser, Ay, who became king after Tut. Asked by a colleague on the outside if he saw anything, Carter replied, “Yes, wonderful things.” Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you.Decades of research and high-tech forensics have offered multiple theories.© 2020 A&E Television Networks, LLC. His mother is his father's sister, identified through DNA testing as an unknown mummy referred to as "The … Forensic science experts worked their magic on Tut’s mummy and, lo and behold, they came to the conclusion that he was murdered. His mummy, discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, shows that he died when he was approximately 18 years old. While that theory sounded like a good story, there were no records that such an inci… “New technology is not necessary,” he says. There was a bone sliver in his brain cavity and a possible blood clot on his skull that may have resulted from a bad blowto the head. In fact, one of the Egyptologists involved in that British television program still has his doubts about what happened.What remains unclear, Naunton says, is whether the skeletal damage occurred during the king’s life or long after his death, as a result of the handling of the mummy after the discovery of the tomb by Howard Carter.“It’s quite possible what ultimately killed him has left no trace,” Naunton says.One obstacle to reconstructing Tut’s life is the condition of his mummy after its discovery in 1923. Politically, Egypt grew weak during Akhenaten’s 13-year reign, according to David P. Silverman, professor of Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania, who was curator of the first King Tut exhibit in 1978 at the Field Museum of Chicago.Silverman says that Tut restored the old gods and their temples, erasing the changes brought by his heretical father and returning the kingdom to stability. Who was Carter didn’t have an answer back then, but modern forensic and medical technologies have uncovered details that provide clues as to what may have plagued King Tut before his death. This is why we cannot be sure that malaria was the cause of Tutankhamun’s death. Forensic science experts worked their magic on Tut’s mummy and, lo and behold, they came to the conclusion that As if Tutankhamen was buried in a hurry. But DNA tests in 2010 proved negative for that diagnosis.Side of the painted casket from the tomb of Tutankhamun, depiciting the King in battle in a chariot.While that theory sounded like a good story, there were no records that such an incident occurred.

The reason for the unusual death of Tutankhamun at a young age is not known even today. Carter hinted at that future fascination when he first entered the pharaoh’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Because it is difficult to establish the exact causes of Tutankhamun’s death, it can be assumed that there was a combination of factors, a fragile constitution, a serious fracture, and malaria.

The rulers who followed erased written representations of both father and son from Egyptian’s important list of kings, he explains, and both tombs were considered lost until their discovery in the early 20 century.“They specifically tried to take memory of the entire family away by not including them in later lists of kings. Tutankhamun was the son of a controversial Egyptian king, Akhenaten, who decreed that Egypt would worship a single god, Aten, instead of many, and moved its capital from Thebes to Amarna. So what killed King Tut?

Carter first examined the remains in 1926 and then returned the mummy to the outer “Those of us who have anything to do with mummies know the degree that post mortem changes with the effects of mummification itself and along with what may have happened are really difficult to factor in and create a believable narrative,” says Rühli, the Swiss mummy expert at the University of Zurich, argues what’s needed is not more science, but perhaps another inspection of Tut’s remains.

Supporters of this theory note that Tut was depicted riding on chariots and also suffered from a deformed left foot, making it possible that he fell and broke his leg.

Who would have had the motive to kill the young king? In his fervor, Akhenaten ordered the names and images of other Egyptian deities to be destroyed or defaced.

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A CT scan of King Tutankhamun's mummy …

Tutankhamun , Egyptological pronunciation Tutankhamen (British /ˌtuːtənˈkɑːmən/) (c. 1342 – c. 1325 BC), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule during the end of the 18th dynasty (ruled c. 1334 – 1325 BC in the conventional chronology) during the New Kingdom of Egyptian history. According to some researchers, the grave was being prepared for a noble, but at the time Tutankhamen died when he died.

Members of this dynasty long married their siblings.

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