0000122012 00000 n Created: May 4, 2015 A guide to the 14 poems in the poetry collection 'Poems Deep and Dangerous' which can be chosen by students of the Cambridge IGCSE Literature specification (0486) Read more. 0000124450 00000 n She is known for feminist outlook and most of her plays and Scotland too features prominently in her writing and She used an informal spoken language for her writing, especially the language of the marginalized Scottish people.This is a poem about the poet’s twelve-year-old sister who likes to wear her outsized shoes and strut about in them.

Children often spend their time imitating the adults and that’s what the poet’s sister is doing. trailer << /Root 23 0 R /Size 44 /Prev 315115 /ID [<31415926535897932384626433832795><31415926535897932384626433832795>] >> Hopscotch is a simple game but even so the poet admires her sister when she plays.The poet tries to caution her sister of the pitfalls of wearing these high heeled shoes. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 65 /Length 110 >> Children often spend their time imitating the adults and that’s what the poet’s sister is doing. Author: Created by lorenzogiovanni. 0000000824 00000 n

She does not want to see the child in her own state in life.Reading this poem, we are struck by the warmth of the poet’s feeling for her twelve-year-old sister. 22 22 23 0 obj Liz began her writing career as a poet though she later ventured into drama writing revues and plays, also acting in them.

endobj 3.7 3 customer reviews. In the ‘Poem for My Sister’ Liz Lochhead uses shoes and feet as a metaphor for life and experiences.

She has calloused feet and patches of hard skin and her feet are out of shape. She is very thin and the shoes don’t suit her but that is no consequence to the child as she takes pleasure in seeing her feet shod in the latest fashion of the season.The poet admires the felicity with which the child plays hopscotch. The poet also voices her concern for her sister; she is a sensible girl now and that outlook showed not be lost. 0000155221 00000 n startxref

Poem for My Sister by Liz Lochhead same themes and message: family love speaker is worried about future adult life of a family member Links Poem My little sister likes to try my shoes, to strut in them, admire her spindle­thin twelve­year­old legs in this season's styles. She xref 0

0000123063 00000 n 0000100394 00000 n The lesson deconstructs the poem’s central extended metaphor with detailed analysis of shoe metaphors and idiomatic expressions, before delving into in-depth analysis of Lochhead’s language, structure, rhyme and form.

Her “distorted feet, the callouses, odd patches of hard skin” are all evidence of her brushes with life. Loading... Save for later. This shows that her sister likes to try out being in the same position as Lochhead; as an adult.

‘My little sister likes to try my shoes’ brings out the well known saying ‘put yourself in someone else’s shoes’ meaning in their place. endobj She wants to spare her sister these.The poet indulgently watches her twelve-year-old sister trying on her high heeled shoes. %���� … 'Poem For My Sister' by Liz Lochhead. She is confident; she does not miss even a step though she is shod in these outsized shoes. x�c```g``�f`a`H�� � `6+��r�a��Ȍ���m��[RZ��7@Ő�030$02 She says they fit her perfectly, but wobbles on their high heels, they're hard to balance. She hops and skips, never even once missing her mark or stepping on the line. 0000122108 00000 n << /Linearized 1 /L 315683 /H [ 875 189 ] /O 25 /E 180206 /N 3 /T 315124 >> The poet uses high heeled shoes as a metaphor for life. 0000107160 00000 n The poet wants her sister to retain her sensible attitude and not get hurt. 22 0 obj Preview and details Files included (1) docx, 563 KB. The child is experimenting with it.The poet admires the way the child maneuvers herself while she plays hopscotch.

The poet seems to imply that she lacks good sense though she is much older than her sister.Liz Lochhead often wrote about women’s issues and this poem too can be said to have that as its theme.

Analysis of 'Poem for My Sister' by Liz Lochhead - Liz Lochhead was born in Scotland in 1947. Her tender concern for her well being and similarly, use of high heeled shoes as a metaphor are the focal points in the poem.Copyright © 2020 Academic Destressor | IGCSE | IDBP 0000106562 00000 n This 36-slide lesson explores Liz Lochhead’s ‘Poem for my Sister’. The child declares that they fit her perfectly though she can barely balance on them. %%EOF 0000000015 00000 n 0000000875 00000 n

<< /Pages 21 0 R /Type /Catalog >> She studied art and later taught the subject in schools in Glasgow and Bristol. stream %PDF-1.4 0000124691 00000 n Analysis Of The Poem For My Sister By Liz Lochhead 870 Words4 Pages “Poem for My Sister” written by Liz Lochhead, is a poem describing the relationship between two sisters and their experiences. 0000106909 00000 n The poet hints to her sister the pitfalls of living somebody else’s life. 0000124049 00000 n She says they fit her perfectly, but wobbles on their high heels, they're hard to balance. She could get hurt and the poet holds herself as an example.

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