At any given time, there are several hundred police vacancies. However, as black and minority ethnic (BME) candidates are currently under-represented within the Force, we would particularly welcome applications from BME applicants. Any queries should be directed to HR Helpdesk, South Wales Police 01656 305870 or email Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn recriwtio ar gyfer Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu (PCSOs) yn ardal Heddlu De Cymru. From 2014 all NSW Police Force recruits as part of the Police (professional suitability) Application process will need to satisfy the body art and body modifications standards as outlined in the policy document. Os na allwch fod yn bresennol ar y dyddiad a ddyrannwyd i chi, ni allwn fynd â'ch cais ymhellach.Os byddwch yn llwyddiannus yn eich canolfan asesu, byddwn yn eich gwahodd i gael prawf ffitrwydd yn ystod yr wythnos yn dechrau ar 11 Tachwedd 2019 (gall y dyddiad hwn newid). Police-Constable-Recruitment-Process. The monitoring form should be detached from the application when the application is forwarded to your nominated line manager. Opening hours for queries are Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am – 4.30pm. Please note that the monitoring form is for monitoring purposes only and will form no part of the selection process.Applicants should note that they will be expected to be available to attend the Force Board which will be held on either 10 or 20th December 2019, exact dates to be confirmed, should they be successful at the shortlisting stage. Learn more about the Metropolitan Police recruitment process. Interview The final stage of the recruitment process is a formal face to face interview. Our values are about the way we work together to achieve our vision and they underpin everything we do. Any queries should be directed to HR Helpdesk, South Wales Police 01656 305870 or email Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn recriwtio ar gyfer Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu (PCSOs) yn ardal Heddlu De Cymru. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn recriwtio ar gyfer Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu (PCSOs) yn ardal Heddlu De Cymru. The interview will be conducted by a three (3) member panel and will provide an opportunity for the NSW Police Force to assess you against a number of core qualities. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT TO APPLY FOR THIS ROLE - PLEASE SEE INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FORM TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ADVERT FOR CONSIDERATION AND COMPLETION. Os na allwch fod yn bresennol ar y dyddiad a neilltuwyd i chi, efallai na allwn fynd â'ch cais ymhellach.Bydd disgwyl i chi gynnal eich lefel ffitrwydd a byddwn yn gofyn i chi fynychu prawf ffitrwydd cyn cael eich penodi yn ystod yr wythnos yn dechrau ar 3 Chwefror (gall y dyddiad hwn newid).Caiff unrhyw unigolyn sy'n datgan ei fod yn gallu cyfathrebu mewn iaith wahanol i Saesneg a Chymraeg ar lefel B1 neu uwch o Fframwaith Cyfeirio Cyffredin Ewrop ar gyfer Ieithoedd (yn erbyn rhestr benodol Heddlu De Cymru o ieithoedd) ei wahodd i fynychu asesiad pellach o'r iaith ychwanegol, os yw'n llwyddiannus yn y ganolfan asesu. However, as black and minority ethnic (BAME) candidates are currently under-represented within the Force, we would particularly welcome applications from BAME applicants.Please return completed application form and monitoring form to HR-RecruitmentThe monitoring form should be detached from the application when the application is forwarded to your nominated line manager. It follows the College of Policing national recruitment process for all categories of recruitment other than experienced hires. Caiff unrhyw ffurflenni cais heb eu cwblhau ar ôl i'r broses gwneud cais ddod i ben eu dileu. Interview. Stage 2 – Competency-based interview You will be asked a series of questions about how you have dealt with specific situations in the past. Thinking of joining and have tattoo's or body modifications. Fodd bynnag, gan fod ymgeiswyr o gefndiroedd pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig (BME) yn cael eu tangynrychioli o fewn yr Heddlu ar hyn o bryd, byddem yn enwedig yn croesawu ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr BME.Os hoffech drafod y cyfleoedd ymhellach, y cymorth a gynigir a'r ymgyrch recriwtio sydd i ddod, cysylltwch â'n Tîm Gweithlu Cynrychioliadol yn Dim ond ceisiadau electronig y byddwn yn eu derbyn, fodd bynnag, mae copïau caled o'r ffurflenni cais ar gael yn Gymraeg os bydd angen un arnoch. If you can’t find the answers you were looking for, you can also email your queries to the HR Recruitment team at or call 01656 869415 or 01656 869225. The final stage of the recruitment process is a formal face to face interview.

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