There is something about the realistic battlefields of France and Belgium that keep players returning. Verdun is one of the first first-person shooters available today that truly represents World War 1 and its atrocities. The player, taking on the role of a Russian soldier, is tasked with battling uphill against entrenched Nazi soldiers within the iconic Russian city. My game Radio General. It really depends on how far you stretch the RTS definition. The ones I've tried in the past never really hit the mark for me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, It looks like the learning curve is very steep. It is hard to select just ten first-person shooters with accurate settings, as we've seen literally thousands of games within the genre released in the past twenty years alone. We're here for the beautiful settings featured in the multiplayer maps, however. ', running up and over the brim of the trench, and then find yourself amidst a hail of enemy bullets, mustard gas, and barbed wire can be both awe-inspiring and hellish to handle. Sure, some games feature a single level that includes parachuting behind enemy lines, but Medal of Honor: Airborne is solely based around the concept of hopping out of an airplane. Blitzkireg is like a hard history book. Some more work is needed, but overall this is a pretty darn realistic venture into the European Front. The moment those boat doors drop and the soldiers are released into the wild, a hail of gunfire begins ripping everyone apart. The climb to the top of the cliff is a terrifying ordeal. The boom of an 88 firing through a canyon, the rumble of a tank rolling down the sandy roads, and the little thunk of a silenced pistol are all historically accurate. Hearts of Iron 3 (the newest patch, don't remember exact name) This answer assumes you want realism on the strategic level. It is truly unforgiving and certainly holds nothing back. The jungles of Vietnam make for tense shootouts with the Vietcong, while the missions are fun and varied. Command Ops for example does a great job, so do the Close Combat games. The wide variety of games speak to how popular World War II games have been over the years. You can't even aim correctly while wearing the mask, that's how real this one is! Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game news and discussion. The weaponry was all pulled directly from the time period and crafted with love by developer 2015. Each mission begins in the air, just like theirs did, while on the ground objectives change order. Oh and the unique gimmick that is actually kind of fun. There is one mission that stands out as particularly brutal and heart-wrenching: The Battle of Stalingrad. It is hard to craft a first-person shooter list of any kind without mentioning the giant that is the Call of Duty franchise. Try to win the skies, once the enemy has too many airplanes in the sky you won't be able to outproduce them (as is real) and have to try to AA the ground. While these maps are a bit brighter in color, the burst of a flamethrower from within a swampy forest is enough to send anyone retreating to their base to regroup their forces. While it is based on the same engine used in Arma 2, which is quite a horrible game engine, to be honest, Invasion 1944 manages to be as realistic as it possibly can. While Men of Valor, released back in 2004, has not aged very well in terms of today's modern standards for video games, it is still a fun, interesting game that really does the Vietnam War justice in the medium. That means choosing what technologies to research, what types of brigades to train, where to deploy your armies etc. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. The ten games mentioned here are some of the most realistic on the market currently, though we suspect a few more will be releasing in the coming years that are noteworthy. Graviteam Tactics. This is obviously a video game, so the respawn mechanics don't make sense, but the setting is what we're after here. Everything from the vehicles to the weapons is historically accurate. There are very few games that manage to recreate the time period of World War 2 in such detail and realism, but Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway is one such title that goes above and beyond the call to duty. Very few games have taken the opportunity to explore the spider holes of 'Nam, the flamethrowers gushing liquid death through the trees, and the easy-going soldiers with their iconic soundtrack playing in the helicopter. You see, historically accurate first-person shooters do exist. You have special abilities. Both in terms of the aesthetic but also in tone and theme. Puts everything else to shame. Call of Duty 2, a prime example of what made CoD great, may be a more frantic, competitive first-person shooter, but it managed to get the setting right. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The screams and burning flesh of dying soldiers on the battlefield are shocking. Jumping into various hotspots throughout Italy during World War 2 is frantic, frenzied, and downright suicidal at times. First-person shooters these days appear to be lacking one significant aspect that tends to win over entire crowds of people: the historically accurate setting. Some hide sectors "radio blackout", some make your enemy see you produce fake units, so the enemy will start countering wrong types and in the wrong place, some put the sector on high alert (unit move speed boost), some launch propaganda (morale boost for troops) etc.

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