Under the Compulsory Education Act, Singapore citizens born after 1 January 1996 and residing in Singapore are required to attend national primary schools regularly. Under the Compulsory Education Act, Singapore citizens born after 1 January 1996 and residing in Singapore are required to attend national primary schools regularly. Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore! Desired Outcomes of Education . The Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) allows all students to have equal and open access to quality curriculum-aligned resources, enabling students to take greater ownership of their learning. We aim to help our students discover and make the best of their own talents, to help them realise their full potential, and develop a passion for lifelong learning. School Name Address (include Postal) NORTHSHORE PRIMARY SCHOOL: 30 Northshore Drive Singapore 828671: EXISTING SCHOOLS . We aim to help our students discover and make the best of their own talents, to help them realise their full potential, and develop a passion for lifelong learning.Find out what your child will be learning in each key stage of their education.We have identified a list of competencies that are essential for your child to develop to prepare them for the future.Learn how your child can discover and nurture their strengths and interests, cultivate important values, and realise their full potential to seize opportunities of the future. MOE; Last updated: 17 April 2020. Thus, a child who is at least 6 years old on 1 January of the year of admission to Primary One has to register at the Primary One Registration Exercise in the preceding year. SHOW. 68796010. gan_siew_lian@moe… Registration for SPERS-Sec opens in Jul each year.The Direct School Admission (DSA) Exercise aims to promote holistic education by giving participating schools greater flexibility in selecting students while holding to the key principles of transparency and meritocracy. Find out what your child will be learning in each key stage of their education. Personal Assistant to Minister of State (Ms Gan) Mdm Jocelyn SIM Heng Tiang. It allows the polytechnics greater flexibility to select students on a broader measure of aptitude beyond just academic grades, thus allowing a wider range of talents to be recognised.The Primary School Transfer Service is aimed to centrally facilitate the transfer of primary school students who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents and have relocated to another address, to schools nearer to their new residences.Copyright © 2020 Ministry of Education, Singapore. MOE; Last updated: 17 June 2020. Jump to: Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) GCE N(A)- and N(T)-Levels; GCE O-Level; GCE A-Level; Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) Examination timetable. gan_siow_huang@moe.gov.sg. Personal Assistant to Permanent Secretary (Education) Ms GAN Siew Lian. The mission of MOE is to mould the future of the nation by moulding the people who will determine the future of the nation.
68796003. jocelyn_sim@moe.gov.sg . The SLS also complements classroom teaching, and supports teachers with quality curriculum-aligned resources. Education in SG. Singapore 279622 . Please click on the school name to view more details. Thus, a child who is at least 6 years old on 1 January of the year of admission to Primary One has to register at the Primary One Registration Exercise in the preceding year.The Secondary One Posting Exercise is an annual posting exercise conducted by the Ministry of Education to post Primary 6 students who have passed their Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) to a secondary school based on their PSLE results and their school choices.The Direct School Admission (DSA) Exercise aims to promote holistic education by giving participating schools greater flexibility in selecting students while holding to the key principles of transparency and meritocracy.
For students, the DSA provides them the opportunity to demonstrate a more diverse range of student achievements and talents in seeking admission at the pre-university level.The School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans - Junior Colleges / Millennia Institute is a centralised placement exercise conducted in November each year for Returning Singaporeans who wish to join the Pre-University 1 level at the beginning of the next academic year. For students, the DSA provides them the opportunity to demonstrate a more diverse range of achievements and talents in seeking admission to secondary schools.The School Placement Exercise for Returning Singaporeans - Secondary (SPERS-Sec) is a centralised posting exercise conducted at around September or October each year for Returning Singaporeans who wish to join secondary schools at Secondary 1, Secondary 2 and Secondary 3 at the beginning of the next academic year. Welcome to the official Facebook page of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore! 21st Century Competencies.
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