Prices shown are the prices people paid for a new 2020 Nissan Sentra SV CVT with standard options including dealer discounts.


Soyez sans crainte! Power’s detailed analysis of transactions from the last 30 days for new cars and from the last 4-8 weeks (depending on the model) for used cars.

Power tracks the average price paid and the price range paid by the majority of people.

Listing Price

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Power 100-Point Score is based on hundreds of thousands of independent and unbiased opinions of verified car owners regarding their vehicle's quality, dependability, performance, depreciation and their experience at the dealership

© 2020 J.D.Power.

7,025 miles

SV Xtronic : 23 668 $ SR Xtronic : 25 668 $ SR Premium : 27 668 $ Le prix de base de la Sentra 2020 est majoré d’environ 2 100 $ en comparaison avec celui de la 2019.

1,430 miles

Cette différence de prix s’explique par un équipement de série plus généreux, qui comprend entre autres le « bouclier de sécurité 360 » de Nissan regroupant six dispositifs d’assistance à la conduite. Stock Photo: 2020 nissan sentra

Taxes, fees (title, registration, license, document and transportation fees), manufacturer incentives and rebates are not included.

Notre équipe Rendez-vous au service

If you have already decided on the Nissan Sentra as your next vehicle, then it's time to decide which trim will best fit the requirements your lifestyle demands. Nissan Sentra by Location

1,164 miles

Pièces et services

All rights reserved. Demandes en ligne Nissan Sentra SV 2020 à St-Félicien.

Nissan Sentra SV 2020 à Magog, près de Coaticook à Sherbrooke.

8 Véhicules neufs


New car prices paid include dealer discounts for the same typically equipped vehicle (year, make, model, trim) and do not include taxes, fees (title, registration, license, document and transportation fees), manufacturer incentives and rebates.


Nous ne partagerons ou ne vendrons jamais vos informations personnelles.


The pricing data is an estimate, but not a guarantee, based on J.D.

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