Key Stage 2 /
Consolidate your class’s knowledge and understanding of medicine throughout the ages in this lesson which focuses on recapping what they have learnt about prehistoric civilisations through to today’s medicine. Download a free, editable assessment grid to support your teaching of this scheme of work. Maya Lesson Plans. It includes the following lessons: 1- What is History? Primary /
Discover the epidemic of the Black Plague and how it was believed to have spread across the country and the different ways people attempted to cure themselves of this fatal disease.
Primary /
The PlanBee Birthday Sale: 20+ all-time best-selling schemes of work, just £4.99 each. It is always useful, where possible, to provide a local lens through which to investigate a period of British History.
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programme can be used either to deliver history as a separate subject or as the focus for wide ranging cross-curricular work. 2- How do we find out about the past? Register for free, Home /
The Tudors /
The Historical Association, pp28-33. Can the children compare the two cultures and how they treated their sick? Children are encouraged to develop chronological understanding by linking the events to the historical context. Home / Primary / Curriculum / Key Stage 2 / Enquiries / Scheme of Work: The Georgians Scheme of Work: The Georgians. Outstanding Scheme of Work for teaching the Anglo Saxons You’ll probably be thinking that there is an awful lot of pre-1066 British history in the KS2 curriculum with … With lesson plans, slideshow presentations, differentiated activity ideas and lots of printable resources, these KS2 Medicine and Diseases lesson include everything you need to teach your class about this interesting theme in British history. What does Elizabeth’s visit to Kenilworth Castle tells us? Britain and the Wider World in Tudor Times, © Copyright The Historical Association 2020. What was it like to live in Elizabethan times. Primary Scheme of Work: The Elizabethans, Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History. Curriculum /
Education for Social Responsibility (ESR), Liquid error (product-badge line 92): -Infinity, KS2 - a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066, KS2 - the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China, KS2 - Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. All Banquets and fun? This scheme of work, judged outstanding by an OFSTED history inspector now links to all the fully-resourced outstanding lessons and activities making the teaching of this topic completely self-contained. Have your class look into and research the lives and discoveries of some of the important Victorian figures such as Florence Nightingale and Joseph Lister. Investigate and explore some of the key turning points for medicine and medical treatments from the 19th century. The Maya – KS2 Scheme of Work is a detailed unit of work for schools created with teachers who accompanied me on the extended CPD session to the Maya area since 2016. Curriculum Objectives covered. This unit is supported by the following: Bracey, P. (2015) The Elizabethans. PE Scheme of Work; PE Progression Map EYFS Y1 Y2.pdf; PE Progression Map Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6.pdf; History Scheme of Work 2019; Progression Grid EYFS - 6 History .pdf; Geography Scheme of Work 2019; Geography Progression Map; Art Scheme of Work ; DT Scheme of Work ; Languages Scheme of Work - French; RE scheme of work (Jan 2020).pdf 2018-2023
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