Is that what happened?" Box 3838 That's just more of it out there. They said, "Are you coming back to die in the homeland?" Yes, sir. "Just like me." You've got to get Him in here first though, then let Him use your eyes to look. "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst." She fans them like that, that rushing mighty wind, you know, that comes down. What would happen to him up in that nest then? How great Thou art. Oh, my. The--the--the rich farmer down there let his little calf out, poor little fellow--so thin, he come staggering out, the winds almost blowing him sideways, couldn't hardly get along. And the very word "eagle" itself means "ripper with the beak." People say "Oh, days of miracles is past." Be ye separated," saith the Lord. There was an old Methodist preacher named Brother Spurgeon, a very fine old man: Henryville, Indiana. And she said, "Daddy, he's a bleeding." "Fly higher, children. Guess what! E-64 Then the first thing you know, he finds out that they're--they're fine little eagles, he walks around. You have a good service this morning, everybody? And the only way you'd ever know them again was to bury them. But just let the sun start shining. E-84 Mother come by here, he said. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. And hugged her up close to me. That's right. I'm all in all to you." I thought, "O, God, isn't that pitiful." Go ahead. And I said, "Yes, sir." They couldn't cross. So he was watching that eagle down there, because that eagle could pick him up right easy, you know. We're not... Say, "Well, I'm Pentecostal. How great Thou art, how great Thou art. I've been filled with the Spirit, there isn't a doubt I'm Methodist. An eagle stirring up its nest. She's kind of long-legged, you know. He was on a sticker. But the one that man made, that was the end of it. I started crying. Now, you know why they're having such a great time? "I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever." "I'm still the Healer." So now, I wonder how would You ever be in that eagle?" The little seed freezes, pops open. A eagle gets fresh meat. Nothing I try to merit, nothing I could merit, nothing I can do: Nothing in my arms I bring, just simply to thy cross I cling. E-39 Here she come, feet flopping every way, you know, jumped up on my leg. I'm the God of Abraham. How great Thou art. E-93 Can't sleep when you go home at night from the church, can you, lady? That's right. We're putting too much on our buildings nowadays and claiming Jesus is coming. But God gave him the seal of circumcision to confirm his faith. E-60 Now, what if all at once one of them little fellows would happen to be a crow, fly up on the nest and holler, "Caw, caw, caw, caw?" That--that--that don't sound right. Writer(s): REV. But... And then, the thing of it was after that, to get ready for school Sunday. I--I want to see what He wants me to do. Now, if I don't know you, and you don't know me, wave your hand back and forth, so the people will know. I thought, "Well, what--what about him?" What--what's that? as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Law: Deuteronomy 32:11 As an eagle that stirs up her (Deut. E-35 When they brought them up, those airplanes come down to get those Jews, they were still plowing with old wooden instruments, like they did hundreds and thousands of years ago. Certainly does. Oh, I forget the name of the place now. They'll never put you in nothing. And then they lay there; in the wintertime, why, the ground freezes, and the little stalk dries up; the bulb dries up; the petals gone.

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