The end ditch within the limits of the space is, according to Scottish laws, regarded as part of the green, a regulation which If the poor were ardent nationalists who would not intermingle with the Greeks, the rich had long outgrown and now could humour such The placing of her on the throne meant a final victory over ancient The pulpit of St Mary's was no longer closed to him, but the success of Balliol in the schools gave rise to jealousy in other colleges, and old His contributions to the press, and his Addresses to the Lord Mayor and other political pamphlets made him one of the most popular writers in Ireland of his time, although he was anticatholic in his A similar influence was exerted by him in other branches of the common law; and although, after his retirement, a reaction took place, and he was regarded for a while as one who had corrupted the ancient principles of English law, these Descartes was an expert; Bacon was the prophet of a great, if half comprehended, future; and the science they loved was struggling for its infant life against a mass of traditional He grouped around him all the leading writers, publicists and progressive young men of the day; declaimed against The judges were not so by profession; they were merely members of the official class (chinovniks), the The cordial and gentle manners of Mrs Gibbon, however, and her unremitting care for his happiness, won him from his first His appreciations of his contemporaries throw more light on his own The truth was indeed obscured for a time by persistent In 1684 he commenced the career of professor of natural law at Leipzig, and soon attracted attention by his abilities, but particularly by his daring attack upon traditional The national jealousy of foreigners, was at first a source of annoyance to him; but such and Piauhy in colonial times, and small flocks are still to be seen in the latter state, but no use is made of their wool, and the market for mutton is extremely limited because of popular But systematic zoology is now entirely free from any such Representatives of the Zealots would probably have protested against his pro-Roman Cyrus appears in the unassailably authentic cylinder inscription "as a complete religious indifferentist, willing to go through any amount of ceremonies to soothe the If he failed in his wider schemes of reform, this was only one more illustration of a truth of which other " enlightened " sovereigns besides himself had experienced the force, namely, that it is impossible to impose any system, however admirable, from above on a people whose deepest convictions and In 1806 and 1807 he delivered a course of lectures at the Athenee on the language and literature of France from the earliest years; and in 1808 at the emperor's request, he prepared his Tableau historique de l'etat et du progres de la littrature francaise depuis 1789 jusqu'd 1808, a book containing some good criticism, though marred by the violent Born of a family of priest-physicians, and inheriting all its traditions and This novel device has the advantage of toning down, if not of eliminating, personal and national There were at first murmurings among his clergy against what they deemed his harsh control, but his real kindness soon made itself felt, and, during the sixteen years of his tenure of the see, his sound and vigorous rule dissipated the Forneron (Paris, 1881), contains many references to authorities and is exhaustive, but the author has some violent The author of the Apocalypse has cast aside all national religious The first requisite of real progress, after dogmatic The overthrow of Spanish rule in Mexico was the beginning of a new period, and efforts were made to introduce educational reforms, but the colonists and ecclesiastics were still governed by their fears and It gives too much weight to Aristotle's logic, and too little to his metaphysics, on account of two He was at his best in his generous protests against all privileges, social, political and religious, and in the self-sacrificing patriotism which enabled him to fling aside his personal The realist, then, ought to begin with metaphysics without psychological This illogical hypothesis, which consists of incautiously passing from the truth that the sensible object perceived is not external but within the organism to the non-sequitur that therefore it is within the mind, derived what little plausibility it ever possessed from three Le Clerc's commentary had a great influence in breaking up traditional 1 In this perhaps we may behold one of the most ancient of British insular The king had good intentions, but his mind was warped by Dutch The numerous editions of the various portions - for, despite Hume's wrath and grumblings, the book was a great literary success - gave him an opportunity of careful revision, which he employed to remove from it all the ' villainous seditious Whig strokes," and " plaguy The whole dispute seems, to-day, entirely uncalled-for, but the marriage aroused some of Johnson's strongest Like anti-Semites elsewhere, the Christian Socialists were reckless and irresponsible, appealing directly to the passions and But he opposed the revolutionary innovations dictated by ignorant and popular The alliance concluded by him with France reveals him at once as rising superior to the narrow His Jewish friends, first Jason and then Menelaus, had been enlightened enough to throw off their Fj olnir had in the beginning a hard struggle against old This material also reflects the knowledge, beliefs, and Of the French it is admitted that in their colonial possessions they displayed an unusual faculty for conciliating the In 1527 he had been declared a rebel by the Signoria on account of his well-known Medicean Paley, though an excellent expositor and full of common sense, had the usual defect of common-sense people in philosophy - that of tame acquiescence in the He became a warm supporter of Washington's administration, and his At this time (c. 1815-1840) numbers of persons brought discredit on the missionary cause by their illiteracy, narrow-minded In matters of domestic legislation, such as taxation and excise, Rhodes fell in to a considerable extent with Dutch His inquiry into manuscript and printed authorities was most laborious, but his lively imagination, and his strong religious and political If the view of the satirist is owing to this circumstance more limited in some directions, and his taste and temper less conformable to the best ancient standards of propriety, he is also saved by it from In 1831 he published a tract on tithes, "to correct the Avignon, at a distance from the party strife and somewhat parochial politics of the Italian commonwealths, impressed his mind with an ideal of civility raised far above provincial These contradictions were, moreover, due, not merely to an incapacity or an unwillingness to argue strictly, but also to the presence in his mind of a large number of inconsistent tastes and The introduction The of the Minie rifle, with its greased cartridges, was accompanied by no consideration of the religious mostly men who after 1848 immigrated from Transylvania and brought with them their own - Recognizing the difficulties of the position, Cecil Rhodes from the outset of his political career showed his desire to conciliate Dutch sentiment by considerate treatment and regard for Dutch "Ammianus is an accurate and faithful guide, who composed the history of his own times without indulging the Although Ammianus was no doubt a heathen, his attitude towards Christianity is that of a man of the world, free from Taking Pomponius Atticus as his political model, he was persuaded that a man, a lawyer and a judge could best serve his country and benefit his countrymen by holding aloof from partisanship and its violent Hamilton (Discussions, p. 541), one of his most resolute opponents, described Cousin as "A profound and original thinker, a lucid and eloquent writer, a scholar equally at home in ancient and in modern learning, a philosopher superior to all He had become such a thorough Englishman in his views and Finding them no less accommodating than their rivals, he gratified the He was a man of weak character and narrow intellect, whose main claim to succeed Pitt was that he shared to Addingion the full the Protestant to be loathed as well as despised, he lacked also the sense of personal dignity that had been the saving grace of George, while he shared the conservative and Protestant The advocacy of Hasan ibn Haidara Fergani was without avail; but in 1017 (408 A.H.) the new religion found a more successful apostle in the person of Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmed, a Persian mystic, felt-maker by trade, who became Hakim's vizier, gave form and substance to his creed, and by an ingenious adaptation of its various dogmas to the So far he d i d well; and when in 1852 he took office as chancellor of the exchequer in Lord Derby's first administration, the prospect was a smiling one for a man who, striving against difficulties and the instincts of many Englishmen, and, for the time, revived the When men heard that there were propositions that could not be doubted, it was a short and easy way to assume that what are only arbitrary It was in the calm, resolute, skilful culling of such pleasures as circumstances afforded from moment to moment, undisturbed by passion, There is, however, in the Cynic notion of wisdom, no positive criterion beyond the mere negation of irrational desires and The Cynics made no attempt to solve this difficulty; they were content to mean by virtue what any plain man meant by it, except in so far as their sense of independence led them to reject certain received precepts and The traveller who is not a missionary may either have the same The great common institution of the church, common enthusiasms, His place was taken by Caballero, an ardent opponent of reform, who restored all the abuses of the old bureaucratic administration and pandered to the bigoted Although no obstinate adherent of antiquated forms and Her father, possibly influenced by Cowper's melancholy tendencies, perhaps possessed by For the Roman Church his conversion secured great prestige and the dissipation of many These were the chief printed media of his anti-Government propaganda; but he took every advantage of public activities, such as membership of the local municipality and the organizing of Shivaji and Ganpati celebrations, to work upon the Much more important than logic was his unfailing ability to appeal to deeply ingrained In feeling so affectionate toward them, are we also compensating for our The writer, both in text and photographs, frankly avows the It was the childish innocence of kids - untainted by politics, For most people too much psychological stress is associated with giving up long held beliefs, values or rearrangea great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their Apparently his birth was humble, but when the obscure figure of the young Artamon emerges into the light of history we find him equipped at all points with the newest ideas, absolutely free from the worst Thus one reform led to another; but Peter was not dismayed by the magnitude of the task, and worked vigorously in all departments with a sublime disregard for the clamour of reactionary opponents and for the feelings and From the beginning he was determined never to allow himself to be misled, in his search for truth, by those theories and What in her sometimes seemed irresolution and procrastination, was, most often, a wise suspense of judgment under exceptionally difficult circumstances; and to this may be added that she was ever ready to sacrifice the With all his breadth and liberality of mind Bodin was a credulous believer in witchcraft, the virtues of numbers and the power of the stars, and in 1580 he published the Demonomanie des sorciers, a work which shows that he was not exempt from the The literature of the later republic reflects the sympathies and Hardyng's testimony is, moreover, suspicious as reflecting the The man who could manage to rule a congeries of jealous factions, including Irish Catholics and Orangemen, French and English anti-federationists and agitators for independence, Conservatives and Reformers, careful economists and prodigal expansionists, was manifestly a man of unusual power, superior to small 2 The prejudice, however, which meets us in Kant is, in a somewhat different form, the same prejudice which Hallam, who has collected all the passages from Grotius's letters in which the At the end of his scheme, probably in deference to theological During his exile he had surrounded himself with young men of the same spirit as himself, such as Buckingham and Bennet, who, without having any claim to statesmanship, inattentive to business, neglectful of the national interests and national To facilitate this reform, to overcome the ecclesiastical After that he forced a quarrel on a trivial bit of hearsay (that Hamilton had said he had a " despicable " opinion of Burr); and Hamilton, believing as he explained in a letter he left before going to his death - that a compliance with the duelling He wanted a system strong enough, he would have said, to overcome the anarchic tendencies loosed by war, and represented by those notions of natural rights which he had himself once championed; strong enough to overbear all local, state and sectional Why do a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their Eight young people confront their fears, hurts and Through such proliferation, as Marx observed, ' ancient and venerable Prejudice reduction: Teachers must work to shift students' However, sometimes parents will disapprove based on their own Singles who have herpes often have a hard time dating because of common 498) writes - "free from the law, free from national Bismarck would not assent to these conditions, and, even if he had been willing to do so, could hardly have overcome the The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for one group of people or things over another. An example of prejudice is someone thinking poorly of another person for his belonging to a … How to use without prejudice in a sentence Looking for sentences with "without prejudice"? Example sentences with the word prejudices. Without-prejudice sentence examples. CK 1 2203219 Tom is prejudiced. 0. Total 159, 30 Per page  Prejudiced opinions are not tolerated in our diverse community, and we refuse to allow people to spew biased hatred. See more. 2. Prejudice is an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling formed without enough thought or knowledge. There was a deep-rooted prejudice long before the two countries went to war. prejudices example sentences. 151, Article 4 Where a tortfeasor shall assume administrative liability or criminal liability for the same conduct, it shall not 152, Depending too much on it only leads to narrow-mindedness and 156, We should fully respect the diversity of Asian and European countries in terms of culture, religion and civilization. Examples of Prejudiced in a sentence Because he is prejudiced, the man dislikes Hispanic people before he even gets to know them. Such actions shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of Members under GATT 1994. Here are some examples. 2203220 I'm prejudiced. We should be open and inclusive, and oppose narrow-mindedness and 157, Suggested our government should adopt in fiscal and tax policy, not only can promote short-term employment at the same time without 158, Anyone who publicly questions the wisdom of current U. S. immigration policy is promptly charged with bigotry, Many of the sentences have audio, too. 159+8 sentence examples: 1. CK 1 2203534 I'm unprejudiced.

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