This is because the singular form is sometimes also used (by some writers) as the plural. The possessive form for the singular noun witch is witch's.example: The good witch's name is Glinda. The possessive form for the singular noun witch is witch's.example: The good witch's name is Glinda. : On the first day of spring in 1996, our local newspaper ran an article about a local coven of witches. The possessive form for the singular noun witch is witch's.example: The good witch's name is Glinda. The plural form of the noun witch is witches.The plural possessive form is witches'.Example sentence:Three witches cooked up a magic potion and our hero drank the witches' brew. Personal Names.

The singular form of the plural noun 'women' is woman.The singular possessive form is woman's.Example: I found a woman's watch in the restroom. Exceptions are the possessives of ancient proper names in -es and -is, the possessive Jesus', and such forms as for conscience' sake, for righteousness' sake. the witch's malice This is the usage of the United States Government Printing Office and of the Oxford University Press. : It is understood that a coven of witches was held at Rathcroghan Caves on the recent Halloween night.

The apostrophe with an s('s) is added to a singular noun (witch --> witch'sbrew), and an apostrophe alone is added to make a plural noun possessive (witches --> witches'brew). There are some exceptions with personal namesending in s in the singular, when made plural (as for a family). He travels to a remote island where he uncovers a coven of witches engaged in outdoor orgies and human sacrifice.

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