How is that a bad thing? Create a free website or blog at However, it is perhaps worth suggesting that Weber's treatment of charismatic movements is at least as relevant. Conger, Jay A. In an article commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the February (March, new style) revolution, Russian conservative thinker Boris Mezhuev has developed a somewhat similar theory regarding the legitimacy of Russian government. Yeah, about that… in the 2017 AD, nearly 3 years later, they are none the wiser. Charismatic leaders are visionaries. For such promotions, see the Ghana Gazette, 13 10 1961, p. 724. The sa,e thing that would happened in any so-called demcratic country when they do elect “a president who lack’s charisma and is an obvious failure” – the people will vote fo someone else. Krobo Edusei in Ashanti, or W. A. Amoro in the Northern constituency of Bongo), However, the conflict of allegiances between the CPP and the traditional authorities, however different these may be, is sufficiently clear-cut for the use of the term to seem justifiable: all rest primarily on “traditional” legitimacy in Weber's sense. Check if you have access via personal or institutional login, COPYRIGHT: © Archives Européenes de Sociology 1963, European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Although the Russian army ceased to retreat soon afterwards, and did win a major victory in 1916 in the form of the Brusilov Offensive, overall it failed to make significant progress with the Tsar as Supreme Commander. A slightly different translation is given by Parsons, (Theory, p. 328). This was focused on the personality of the ruler and perceptions of his success. Can you define it for us, Professor? The legitimacy of the Soviet system came to be associated with the head of the Communist Party. The question then is what makes a sufficient number of people in a given polity consider their rulers legitimate. When the Party was led by someone who was clearly failing – Mikhail Gorbachev – not just Gorbachev, but communist rule as a whole lost its legitimacy. The West proves itslef a collective hypocritical lying ass, when it arbitrarily decides whether this or that “Regime” is legitimate or not. Is the consent we give governments valid? Individual freedoms are subordinate to the state, there is no accountability. p. 163 and elsewhere. (30) The only figures which might be used to draw conclusions about a national opposition are those of the 1960 presidential referendum: Danquah, 124,643; Nkrumah, 1,016,076. “The Concentration and Dispersion of Charisma: Their Bearing on Economic Policy in Underdeveloped Countries”, A Pre-Election Survey in a Semi-literate Society, Pursuit of the Millennium: the Relation between Religion and Social Change, Turkey's Politics: The Transition to a Multi-Party System, (25) For an account of the 1951 election, see Price, J. H., The Gold Coast Election (West African Affairs No. Whether a monarch is restored or not isn’t important. ‘Cuase, I see no other reasons to become one. 302, Despatches on the Gold Coast Government's Proposals for Constitutional Reform, 1954. He sees charismatic legitimacy as necessary to the transition from traditional to secular norms, with which I agree. p. 10). 66. – while implying that both are fraud. The “charismatic legitimacy” vs “institutional legitimacy” does seem like it often turns into a debate between power for head-of-state and legislature or other bodies. I’d also humbly suggest separate one’s fantasies delivered in the passive agressive tone of the “lament” or “hope”, from the reality, (given to us in the sensations). ( Log Out /  An unsuccessful one wasn’t. But he’s one not because he is an Anoited by God, not because he slayed his predecessor and can easily slay all other claimants. But I still prefer a decentralized democracy. Abstract views reflect the number of visits to the article landing page. I know – what o horrible and alien idea for some Westerners! (38) It is worth noting that this also fits closely with Weber's analysis in his discussion of bureaucracy: see e.g. Standard pre-enlightenment concept, nice and simple. (33) See the Report of the Constitutional Adviser, 1955, Report of the Achimota Conference, 1956, and the Government Report on the Achimota Conference, 1956. They earn respect. by Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., in his article “On Heroic Leadership”, Encounter (12, 1960), pp. On the 1951 figures, see Sutherland, D. A., Memorandum on Mining in the Gold Coast (Accra, 1951), p. 26. Should a state not have an established rule of law, or should a government not follow said rule of law, its authority loses respect and its legitimacy tends to be unrecognised. Other states a priroi lack it and need constant inflows of money and agitation and propaganda materials to develop one. (34) That one coup d'État is likely to lead to another is a danger explicitly recognized in the Statement by the Government on the Recent Conspiracy, 1961, p. 1, although “any revolution which is based on real and genuine mass support is justified” (p. 2).

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