Sylvia Plath uses a diverse array of stylistic devices in “Lady Lazarus,” among them allusion,apostrophe, extended metaphor, and irony, in order to develop the speaker as a character. They both utilize an imagery of severe disintegration and dislocation. The very title of the poem lays the groundwork for a semicomic historical and cultural allusiveness. The title of this poem, “Lady Lazarus” is a biblical allusion and I think it is powerful that Plath decided to title the poem this way. We know that the ongoingness of the torments of the Shoah perpetuated postwar suicides, but did those casualties mutate into mystic scapegoats whose envied status as paradigmatic victims would in turn generate ersatz survivor-celebrities? / Do not think I underestimate your great concern. The public horrors of the Nazi concentration camps and the personal horrors of fragmented identities become interchangeable. She then uses the gritty and powerful comparison "Bright as a Nazi lampshade" to describe her skin, which designates the suicidal tyrant that lives within her, and ends up contrasting this image with the softer more subdued metaphor, "a featureless, fine / Jew linen," to depict her face, which is the victim in a state of deterioration and weakness‘Creative metaphor are those which a writer/speaker constructs to express a particular idea or feeling in a particular context’ Examine how Plath uses metaphor in Lady Lazarus. And I a smiling womanshape her poetry. "Finally, "Lady Lazarus," like "Daddy" and "Fever 103°," incorporates historical material into the initiatory and imagistic patterns. She represents the loss of that blissful unity with nature and God which was traditionally anchored in a female figure. The reality of the poem lies in the convulsions of the narrating consciousness. It is tempting to read these lines as a personal myth of rebirth, a triumphant Romantic emergence of what Lynda Bundtzen calls the female 'body of imagination'.
", but the language by means of which she shapes her unclothing seems to compromise the grandeur of her act. Instead, and this is my sense of them, they belong more to elegy and to death, to the woman whose "loving associations" abandoned her as she sought to create images for them.From Modern American Lyric: Lowell, Berryman, Creeley,-and Plath.
An inward confrontation with this father imago replaces the confrontation with the intrusive crowd. "Herr God; Herr Lucifer, I Beware I Beware," she warns. Every ten years, she manages to commit this unnamed act. Although Plath's 'confessional' tropes are often seen in terms of a Romantic parable of victimization, whether of the sensitive poetic individual crushed by a brutally rationalized society, or of feminist protest against a monolithic patriarchal oppressor, her self-reflexivity tends to turn confession into a parody gesture or a premiss for theatrical performance. The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth? Through her poems ‘Ariel’ and ‘Lady Lazarus’ she leaps her thoughts across paper and makes the audience purposefully leap with her in full intent of creating a bridge between the gap of her own thoughts and the readers thoughts. “Lady Lazarus” The title of this poem, “Lady Lazarus” is a biblical allusion and I think it is powerful that Plath decided to title the poem this way. Calling attention to what Geoffrey Hartman and Jean Baudrillard term our propensity to adopt a "necrospective," poems deploying prosopopoeia draw us closer to an event that is, simultaneously, distanced by their debased status as merely simulated and recycled image-substitutions.From "Prosopopoeia and Holocaust Poetry in English: Sylvia Plath and Her Contemporaries." Through these images Plath is attempting to enlighten us and enable us to become more than a “peanut crunching crowd”.
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